Retrobruxist Friday 2/1/13

I will admit, I am one of those people that says “Feb-roo-ary” and flinches an eensy bit when people say “Feb-you-ary”. I know that makes me an asshole because EVERYBODY says “Feb-you-ary”, just like everybody says “laying down” when they mean “lying down”.

[“Lay” requires a direct object. You can lay your keys down on the counter or lay your baby in a crib or even lay your body down, but when you head to the couch to take a nap, you’re actually going to lie down. Even more confusing, the past tense of “lie” is “lay”. (The past tense of “lay” is “laid”.) So you can say, “I lay down for a nap”, but that would mean you did it before right now. I KNOW. I’M AN ASSHOLE.]

I further know it’s only a matter of time before we reach the tipping point and the Grammar Mavens say, “Well, language evolves, and now ‘Feb-you-ary’ and ‘laying down’ are considered correct.” But that day has not yet come, so if you notice that I have a tiny facial tic this month, there you go.

You can blame my parents for the above (see my dad’s comment on this post from three years ago, which also explains why I use quotation marks the way I do).

Two years ago, I shared with you my magical pit-stank cure. Still using it. Still giving myself Alzheimer’s. But the ‘heimer’s hasn’t hit yet! Still sharp as a marble! Now where in the world did I lie my keys? I’m confused—I need to go lay down.

I “competed” in an Olympic weightlifting meet a year ago. I hit 79.2 lbs on the snatch and 107.8 on the clean & jerk. I’m proud to say that my clean & jerk is now 128 pounds, and I snatch 103. That’s right: I have a 103-lb snatch.

Happy Retrobruxist Friday, y’all.


2 thoughts on “Retrobruxist Friday 2/1/13”

  1. I learned something from your post today! I knew that about “lying down”, but did not know that about “Feb-roo-ary”! I hate it when I realize I have written something grammatically incorrect or misspelled something. There are still words that I mispronounce, and sometimes I will blame it on the fact that English is actually the third language that I learned and that my parents are not native speakers. I got laughed at not that long ago for saying “See-rup” (syrup), and not sure why I said it that way.

    1. Woohoo! Edumacation! You get a pass on anything grammatical. Actually, everybody gets a pass. A friend recently posted an article on grammatical elitism, which basically said good grammar is a privilege given to those who are fortunate enough to be born into educated families and/or attend good schools. And that’s absolutely right, so I acknowledge my assholery and try to be less of an asshole every day. I just often have a knee-jerk reaction that I have to dismiss.

      Re syrup: I say ‘sir-rup’, but I think ‘see-rup’ is actually a legit pronunciation for that word.

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