2 Corinthians 5:20b-610

Since it’s pretty clear that I don’t know nuffing about no romantic love (see: every post I’ve ever written about dating), a special guest-blog post on this day of St. Valentine by Beatrice:

Valentine’s Day this year falls the day after Ash Wednesday. For me, that means 2 things: (1) No chocolate for me; I gave it up for Lent. (2) I have just listened to a reading of 2 Corinthians 5:20b-610.

I know what you are thinking: “I love  2 Corinthians 5:20b-610.  I read that every day.” Honestly, I don’t know if I have ever heard it before and there is no way I would have remembered what it was on my own. I stuck the church pamphlet in my jacket and just referred back to it.

The gist of the reading is do not be showy with your relationship with God.  I found this to be a relief because I always wipe off the ashes right after the service.  It saves friends the embarrassment of telling you that you have shmootz on your forehead.

I realized today that I feel the same way about relationships.  Love isn’t about Valentine’s Day flowers and chocolate at the office so everyone can see it.  Love is when he insists that he come with you when you walk the dogs at night because you just watched a scary movie.  Love is installing fog lights on your car when the wild fires around your house have made it hard to see.  It is easy to forget this but after 19 years of being together it is important that I remember.

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. Love is… what?