Cooking for Dumbs: Magic Çoup!

You guys. I made soup.

The other day my friend Dori posted a recipe for chorizo and kale soup on Facebook. I looked at the ingredients and was like, “Yes. Yes. Um, yes. Oh hell yes.”

Tonight when I went to the grocery store, I looked for the meat but couldn’t find it, so I eventually went to the meat guy and asked where he kept his linguiça. (No, I didn’t really ask like that! I learned my lesson about crafting one’s requests of the grocer.) He stopped what he was doing, walked out from the behind the meat counter and down the aisle to show me, so then when I remembered I was actually supposed to be getting chorizo, not linguiça, I was too embarrassed to go back and ask again. Didn’t matter didn’t matter SO DIDN’T MATTER ONE BIT.

Linguiça and kale soup!!

Nom nom f-bomb.
Nom nom f-bomb.

You guys, make it. Make this çoup. I’m pretty sure this çoup is one of the reasons why we’re here on this earth.