Who Says?

I hate it when listeners call in to the Diane Rehm Show. It makes me so uncomfortable. If I want to hear some bumbling, disjointed, half-baked ideas about politics, I’ll just listen to my own thoughts, thank you.

A few days ago, a caller was, amongst many uhs, explaining his point-of-view on…what? I don’t even remember—I was in a jittery sweat, just wishing it were over…when it occurred to me I could change stations. I could listen to something other than NPR. Usually, the only time my dial is not set to WUNC is during pledge drives. (During those torturous ten-day periods, I make my pledge and then burn through all my saved-up podcasts of…NPR programs.)

But this time…it was not a fundraiser…AND I COULD STILL CHANGE THE CHANNEL.


I pressed the scan button on my radio and ended up on one of those happy, poppy stations, which was playing a bubble gum tune with lots of na-na-nas and the lyric, “Who says?” over and over again. I think the singer’s thing was, who says you’re not perfect just the way you are? Something about not being a beauty queen but beautiful anyway. In your own way. Whatever.

I just kept hearing, “Who says?”

And these were the questions that came into my head: Who says you can’t get an MFA in creative writing? Who says you can’t, for the first time in your life, incur educational debt? Who says you can’t quit teaching altogether?


See, ’cause my friend Cat has been nudging me to apply for a low-residency MFA program. She did, and she got in, and she’s going to do it. And I want to do it too. But I’m terrified. I’ve never taken out an education loan, never even entertained doing so for a degree that has a good chance of paying me back bupkis. Never thought about quitting teaching to do what I actually want to do, which is write.

Here there be dragons.

But who says?

14 thoughts on “Who Says?”

  1. A couple of years ago I told Erin that Diane Rehm was a black lady. She couldn’t have cared less.
    About a year and a half went by before she actually saw a picture of her caucasian jib. Needless to say she was super pissed at me for a dumb joke I had forgotten completely about.

  2. W. Somerset Maugham noted, “It’s a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best you very often get it.”
    Do it. Do. It.

  3. I think you write wicked good – which inspires me to ask what are you really looking for: an MFA degree, or simply a reason to write for real-real, and not for play-play?

  4. But why do you need an MFA to write? Just write!

    Of course, a few necessities will need taking care of…mortgage, health insurance, doggie health care, gasoline.

    Let’s see, wasn’t Melville a customs officer by day and a writer by night until he could make a living by writing?

  5. Granddude, there’s a window in life for certain things. I remember realizing at some point in my late 20s that my experimental drug window was closed. I think, if there ever was a become-a-Republican window, it’s pretty much latched.

    Dan and Nanamous, well, see, there’s a lot I think I need to learn about writing. And creating a complete work. And publishing. Plus, I work well within a structure. This blog provides a certain structure because enough people have told me they read it that I feel somewhat obligated to post. But I have no structure for writing a book.

    Everybody, I need a business idea! To support my writing habit! Like a food truck (but I can’t cook) or an invention.

  6. Hmmm…I’m liking what Nanamous said. Maybe there are opportunities for connecting with other writers online? Maybe you could look into the possibility of creating or joining a writing community that will push you, hold you accountable and give you structure without having to shell out so much dough.

    I’m excited for your future.

  7. I says.
    Don’t go into debt you can’t get out of in a couple of years.
    Your sister said the same thing to me a couple of years ago and I didn’t listen.
    Now I’m a divorce lawyer. Do you want to be a divorce lawyer?

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