Athos, Porthos, and Aramis Can Suck It

Yesterday, I ate my annual Three Musketeers bar and then wondered on Facebook how many years it would take me to remember that THEY’RE GROSS.

Because if I’m working on one skill in my old age, it’s turning down bad-for-you food if it’s not frickin delicious. If I’m going to put crap into my system, I try to make sure it’s sublime.

But yesterday, I had to go to yet another meeting, and I felt like I deserved a treat for going, so I went to the vending machine. The pickins were slim. I don’t know if Three Musketeers was my best choice, but when you’re trying to avoid gluten, options are limited.

Anyway, my status update led to an academic discussion of Three Musketeers’ worth when juxtaposed against other works in the chocolate bar canon. And a scientific discourse on the peanut butter-to-chocolate ratio in mini Reese’s cups vs. that of the full-sized variety.

Enlightening stuff.

So, my question is: which sweet treat do you pass up even when it’s offered to you free of charge, and which, despite its required money- and calorie-expenditure, will you snarf anyway because it’s totally worth it?

I'll let you know right now that, lately, this stuff has been haunting my dreams.