Feeling Old

I met a boy today—total cutie-pie; dark hair; stand-up comedian by trade except when he’s working on a small farm(!!); and at one point he said to me that he was sore because he’d done “this ballet barre workout” yesterday. Ha ha! How awesome is that?

When he mentioned he was 26, I was thinking, well, that’s not so bad—he’s only four years younger than me.

About two blissful seconds went by before I remembered that I’m not 30. I’m 30-six. Ten years older than cutie-pie. When I started college, he was in third grade.

And guess what, a friend of mine’s 30th birthday celebration is tonight. Yay for him. He could reasonably date cutie-pie, except that he’s straight and in a relationship.

Anyway, his party doesn’t start until 10:00pm. Listen, I can stay out until 10:00pm, but I don’t think I can go out at 10:00pm anymore.

Excuse me while I turn my hearing aid off and count the liver spots on my hands.

(No shit, I’m getting liver spots on my hands.)

10 thoughts on “Feeling Old”

  1. This happens to me almost everyday- my surrounding workforce gets younger and younger. The other day I was talking about Pearl Jam’s 20th anniversary doc on PBS and the precious child who reports to me says, “Pearl Jam? I think I know them. Wow, 20 years ago I was in pre-school”. I just wanted to go home.

  2. And my current students were all born in the 1980s…younger than all my children. I could be their grandmother! Some of them even call me Nana.

  3. i am right there with ya on the i-can’t-start-my-evening-at-10pm-anymore. no way. that’s almost bed time. sometimes i can hang until 11 or *gasp* even 12 sometimes but i have to already be out

  4. 9:00!
    Liver spots (but veggie)
    Required jump start each AM
    NC Marathon Sat AM (and another nap)
    Laughing (provided by you) makes everyone younger!

  5. from another standpoint on this issue: sleeping with guys in their mid-twenties can be fun, because they’ve learned all these tricks in their early twenties they’re just dying to keep trying out.

    but sleeping with guys in their 30’s is better. they have a little less stamina, but they get what’s going on more. it’s a bit more quid pro quo.

    forget sleeping with dudes in their early 20’s. they will have the time of their lives because you will be the best lover they’ve had (because of age and experience, if nothing else), but they won’t leave you alone. and teaching them how to do things gets old real quick.

    i’m sorry, was this not what we were talking about? oh, ok. uh, nevermind.

  6. Yep, I am on my pediatric rotation and most moms (married and the unmarried) are younger than me having children and married. then one girl mentions that she wasnt alive for Britney Spears’ first album. I feel old too and I know I am not old. *sigh*

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