Violet and Redford (or, as my 19-month-old niece calls them, Bye-dit and Redbud) just got back from a big journey. Wanna hear about it? I don’t care! I’m going to tell you anyway!

Violet and Redford (or, as my 19-month-old niece calls them, Bye-dit and Redbud) just got back from a big journey. Wanna hear about it? I don’t care! I’m going to tell you anyway!
“Which Redford did not enjoy.”
Perfect caption!
Poor Redbud! But he did have a good time running on the beach.
this is the bestest…love the doggies…i really must meet them one day. seriously.
chance and lady say they miss redford and romping with him.
You’ll all be glad to know that Redbud has completely recovered from the car-trauma and from the abrasions between his pads (darn sand!).
Anna, both dogs told me they really want to meet you.