
Man, this is hard.

I cleaned out my cabinet and gave all the products containing wheat to my sister. (Except my last box of Thin Mints. I just can’t do it.) And I’m doing my best to take gluten-free lunches to school and cook just meat and vegetables for dinner.

But god, all our work meetings are lousy with Goldfish and pretzels. On Friday, I read the label and found out the delicious blue crab dip that my sister procures from Costco…has bread crumbs in it. And today, at my book club brunch, the table was decorated tantalizingly with muffins (my coffee was so lonely!) and pesto French bread and whatnot. I just ate some of the vegetables & dip and salad. I also scooped myself some orzo, not realizing until an hour later when I was all groggy that that was pasta. (Maybe I was imagining it was rice pilaf?)

I’m grumpy. I’m trying to sell my house, and I don’t want to go to work tomorrow, and I just want to be able to eat a bagel like a normal person.

Wah! Listen to all my First World problems!