Warts-and-All Time

I have been depressed for much of my adult life. And I’ve taken many measures to try to combat this depression.

Today I’m going to talk about one of those measures: anti-depressants. I’ve come to the conclusion that anti-depressants are not the way to go for me. Not right now anyway.

Don’t get me wrong, I think some of them have worked to a certain extent, but they all have side effects. SSRIs, in particular, have side effects. For me, in particular, side effects.

Some of them have messed with my sleep, some with my, ahem, regularity. One gave me vertigo, and all of them have lightened my wallet (that’s a side effect!). One last one…it’s not appropriate for younger readers, so I’ll make it PG. Let’s say that you and I became “friends”, and you know how “playing board games” is a very important part of a “friendship”? Well, when I’m on SSRIs, I’m not even remotely interested in “playing board games”, and if you do get me to participate, I never “win”.

So I’m done with anti-depressants. For the moment. I’ve discovered other things that are relatively effective at keeping my depression at bay, at least thus far, and I may have found the Magic Bullet, y’all. More anon. Stay tuned!

(P.S. Anyone want to share what works for them? You can remain A Nonna Moose if you want.)


This is Boone.
He was a big shweetie-pie.
He liked to snuggle with Violet in the back seat of my car.
And make parentheses with her on the couch.
And occasionally use her as a pillow.
Boonie enjoyed watching the ducks. Even more so when there wasn't a screen door between him and them. He preferred watching them all up close and personal-like. The feeling was not mutual.
(Violet dug duck-watching too.)
Boonie liked to sleep with his back legs sticking straight up toward his chin.
And he loved to sit in my lap.
I miss him.

This Too Shall Pass

Sorry about the lack of posts this week, y’all. It’s End-of-Grade Test week.

In addition, May 20 is a particularly difficult anniversary for me.

I’ll get back on track soon. In the mean time, some jokes for you. Would you like to guess which of my students they’re from?

knock knock
who’s there
Ax who
Ax nicely, and I might tell you

Knock knock
who there
pan who
give me a pan I’m makeing pandcakes