Hahahaha. Just kidding. Nobody ever asks me any questions about my blog.

But I was feeling some blogger-inferiority, so I thought I’d make some up.

What is a bruxist?

If you search a dictionary for ‘bruxist’, you’re not going to find it. It’s a word I made up based on the noun ‘bruxism‘ which means to grind or gnash one’s teeth. I figured if that was bruxism, then a bruxist would be a person who practices it.

And I practice it.

A lot.

How did you get started blogging?

I wrote a letter to my dog and posted it on Facebook. People really liked it, and after I wrote it, I wanted to keep on writing.

I thought, “Should I slog away on a novel for years in anonymity? Or publish whatever and whenever the hell I want with a blog?” Decision made.

Why are some posts password-protected?

Because sometimes I like to write things that could get me dooced or sued so those are just for friends and family, and because some are available only to my patrons. If you want to read those posts, pledge $1/mo or more on my Patreon.

Is what you write true?

It’s my truth.


That’s it for now, friends! But do you have questions? Ask them frequently, and I’ll put them on this very FAQ page.

4 thoughts on “FAQ”

  1. 1.
    why don’t you have a link to that crazy lady who writes the great dog cartoons? like the traveling dogs?
    2. why don’t you write more often?
    3. why don’t you write a book with all the schoolkid stuff from when you used to like being a schoolteacher>
    4. what do you have against goatherding?

  2. Sunshine, you can still ask me!

    Margo, (1) I do! It’s called Hyperbole & a Half. (2) Because those evil fourth graders suck all my energy, like piglets on a sow. (3) I don’t know how to write a book. (4) I’m telling you, I will herd the hell out of your goats, but you have to hire my whole family and relocate them to Virginnie.

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