I’m cooking! I cook! I’m a cooker!

This afternoon I made breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for the weekI win everything.

Let’s start with breakfasts. Take eight eggs, scramble ’em. Mix ’em with half an onion (diced), a cup of chopped spinach, some salty-pepper, and either cheese or crumbled bacon or chopped up breakfast links. (I’ve done all three. The only one that didn’t work was when, instead of tossing in crumbled bacon, I decided to line the cups with bacon strips. I’d seen it in a magazine or something. I ended up with perfectly cooked eggy cups wrapped in mostly raw bacon. Mmm, trichinosis.) Fill sprayed muffin tin cups about 2/3 of the way full. Bake at 350 for half an hour. Voila!

Baby frittatas!
Baby frittatas! Coochie-coo.

Then, the old standby, magic çoup.

Nom nom f-bomb.
So remember when I had norovirus? Yeah, this çoup was amongst the things that I barfed up, so I was worried my palate would say NOPE, but phew. Still delicious.

And now for the pièce de frickin résistance: crispy slow cooker carnitas.

Pork Cooked in BeerIt was a little touch-and-go there for a minute at the end because the recipe asked for broiling. But once I figured out where the broiler was (It’s that drawer! Under the oven! That’s not just storage!) and got Redford’s giant skull out of the way, I was broiling! I broiled! I’m a broiler!

I wanna kiss you all over. And over and again. I wanna kiss you all over. Till the night closes in.
I wanna kiss you all over/And over and again/I wanna kiss you all over/’Til the night closes in.

I put it with a little chopped cilantro and white onion and some tortilla chips.



10 thoughts on “I’m cooking! I cook! I’m a cooker!”

  1. Wow! I was feeling on top of my game because I grilled tandoori lamb and setup kabobs to marinate for later this week. You took it to another level. The frittatas look awesome. I’m totally doing that.

  2. Those “muffins” actually look really good! I’ll have to try them…I’ll cook the bacon first…less oil that way as well.

    1. pre-cooking the bacon is essential to making the ones where you line the muffin tin with bacon. i cook it until it’s not quite done (still flexible) but some of the fat has cooked off, usually about 10 minutes.

  3. These are my favorites! I make them all the time. 20 sec in the microwave in the morning and Voila! You are eating breakfast! You’re a breakfast eater!
    I also like adding zucchini and yellow squash and sometimes even mushrooms. How fancy are we???? before you know it, you’ll be making almond milk ;)

  4. Ha! Lookitchoo! Funny thing is, I just basically cooked ALL THE SAME THINGS the other night. Perhaps it was in the air. I guess you don’t want to take any pork off my hands, though. So. Much. Pork.

    Speaking of: some pork trivia. Thrichinosis has been eradicated for some tens of years in the US. So go forth and eat raw sausage if ya want. Yes that’s actually a thing. Italians.

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