The Foster Chronicles: ‘Nita, The End

Previously… (The Foster Chronicles: ‘Nita, Week 9)

Day 1

As it’s ‘Nita’s last full day with me, we take a big walk and schedule extra snuggling sessions in the morning

Bonita Day Snuggling

and the evening.

Bonita La La La La Laaaaaaa

Day 2

I drive to High Point to meet Lainey for the drop-off. ‘Nita’s very happy to see her new mom and her five-year-old human brother because she’s always happy to see everyone, but—and I’ma go ahead and anthropomorphize the shit out of her right now—she seems confused and concerned as I get in the car and drive off.

Bonita Adopted

People comment that I can just change the name! and transfer admin rights! and that it’s easy!, and I know that but I don’t want to. I want to keep her page exactly as it is. It represents me and ‘Nita and our relationship, plus what do I know?, but I think it’s a good portfolio item for my new career.

Day 3

Redford and Violet are a little weirded out—they run to the spare room and check the crate when we come inside—but happy, I think, to have 100% of my attention.

I try to teach Violet how to snuggle belly to belly. She tolerates it for a few minutes before repositioning herself at my side and making it clear she prefers that I just rub her chest k that’s better thanx.

Day 4

Lainey makes a new page for ‘Nita. Except now she’s Ruca. And not nearly as funny.

Day 5

Friends keep asking if I’m going to foster again but with that oh-god-don’t-do-it tone.

And I get it. It’s difficult, and people who love you don’t wish you difficulty.

But really, fostering has given my life meaning. For a few months at a time I have a purpose. For a few months at a time there’s a reason that the world is better because I’m here.

And it is better. Better for the dogs, better for the people. Let’s not mince words: ‘Nita would be dead right now if I hadn’t fostered her. She was scheduled to be put to sleep the day volunteers from CCB walked into a shelter in Wake County, pulled her, and delivered her to me.

And what a tragedy that would’ve been. ‘Nita made me happy. She made her 300 Facebook fans very happy. And from what I gather, she’s making her new family very, very happy.

So no, I’m not going to foster again right now, but I probably will again in the future, and let’s not pretend that’s not a good thing.
