The Foster Chronicles: ‘Nita, Week 5

Previously… (The Foster Chronicles: ‘Nita, Week 4)

Day 1

We do three miles. I attempt to orchestrate another play date with Redford afterward, but he’s drinking at the water bowl and curls his lip when she approaches.

NOPE. NOT OK WITH ME. I holler at him to cut it out. End of play date.

Monday snuggles.

Day 2

Another short play date with Redford after our walk. Both dogs run. Both dogs rrrr. ‘Nita starts to snap a bit, and I put her on the ground. Tell her no and hold her down there for a minute so she knows I’m boss. She wags and tries to kiss me.

A woman expresses interest in adopting ‘Nita! I ask her for her location. Arkansas.

Tuesday snuggles.

Day 3

Another woman wants to meet ‘Nita; she lives near Charlotte. Not close, but not Arkansas. Her car’s in the shop, but we make plans to meet halfway for a meet and greet when she has transportation again.

As a Zen exercise, I hand over admin rights to Tulip’s page to her adoptive mom and practice letting go. She does a good job with Tulip’s voice, but it’s still hard because I’m a control freak.

Humpday snuggles.

Day 4

After four and a half weeks of rope burns on my hands, I realize that walking ‘Nita on the side of me that doesn’t have the traffic cuts down her crazed lunges at cars by about 50%. I am S-M-R-T.

Bonita is funny as shit on her Facebook page.

If you don't Like her page, you're missing out.
If you don’t Like her page, you’re missing out.

I didn’t get a picture of Fursday snuggles, but they happened.

Day 5

Two and a half miles and this play date made for excellent Friday snuggles.

Day 6

Friends come over to meet ‘Nita. She loves ’em down.


She loves ’em down good.


It’s icky outside, and for the first time in forever, we don’t walk. Regardless, there are snuggles.

Seventy-two people Liked this photo within 16 hours.
Seventy-two people Liked this photo within 16 hours.

I wish people liked my blog as much as they like ‘Nita’s Facebook page.

Day 7

I try to have Redford and ‘Nita play in the morning, but there’s been no walk for 36 hours and ‘Nita is just too wiggly. Redford looks perturbed so I call it off. We try again after the walk, and it’s fine. Lesson learned.


I love how ‘Nita looks like a white dog from the front, a black dog from the side, and a tricolor dog from the back; a blue-eyed dog on the left, a brown-eyed dog on the right; Everydog.


We start Doggy Manners class this week.