Crikey! I Almost Forgot Retrobruxist Friday 11/9/12

Note: For Avid Bruxistists who are resistant to change, I’m giving you a heads-up that this blog will be getting a makeover in the next week or two. Go ahead and do your pre-coping now.

This week in 2009, I got a phone call at in the middle of the night, and I was awake to take it! And it was for the best reason!

(Three years later, and no signs of slowing down. Pretty proud of myself.)

Two years ago, I wrote about a very special date. You remember it. It was very special.

I voted the crap out of this election, but a year ago, I elected to do something else on election day. Something real dumb. I got calls from a producer a few times after that, but I always dodged them. Here’s to making better choices this election cycle.

Happy Retrobruxist Friday, y’all.