Guidelines for Dealing with Fat CrossFitters

[UPDATE: Read the post. Not the commentary in your head about the post. The actual post. Then read this. THEN, if you still feel like it, go ahead and comment. Some o’ yous are saying that I’m saying shit that I’m not actually saying.]

I am a fat CrossFitter. And I love it. Not the being fat. The CrossFitting. I love that I can clean and jerk 113 pounds and deadlift 213. I love that when I started, I was doing black-band (a.k.a. Johnny Jump-up) pull-ups, and now I use the blue. I love that I do nothing but bona fide push-ups. I love that I can hold a handstand against a wall for over a minute and a freestanding one for a couple seconds. I love CrossFit.

And I love you, my coaches and fellow athletes. Probably 94% of the reason I go is because I get to hang out with y’all.

But there’s some etiquette that I think is lacking in the community in general. It’s OK—don’t blame yourself—you didn’t know. I didn’t know not to drop an empty bar until somebody told me.

So here are some suggestions. And I think I speak for many fat CrossFitters.


See how I’m running half as fast as everybody else? Yeah, that’s actually my dead sprint. You’re thinking, “No…that can’t possibly…” Yep. It’s true. I’m pushing myself as hard as I possibly can.

Coaches, have some technical critique? Good. Say it. Keep it brief. Make it simple. And don’t give me more than one to think about. Just one. Remember, I’m about to die here.

Fellow athletes, think you need to cheer me on? If you really need to for you, go ahead. But if you don’t, that means I can pretend that nobody sees exactly how slow I am.

2. WODs

Notice how everybody’s finished with the WOD, and I still have an entire round left? At this point, in case you were wondering, I’m terribly, terribly embarrassed. As many times as this has happened, and it’s a lot, I still feel like hiding under a pile of ab-mats.

Do you feel like you need to run with me? Do kettlebell swings with me? Count for me? That’s so sweet. You don’t. Do you feel the urge to do solidarity burpees until I call time? That might accomplish the opposite of what you were intending. On top of my shame, you’ve just piled jealousy (fantastic—look how much fitter she is than I am) and/or guilt (oh shit, dude’s gonna have to do over two hundred burpees).

And imagine you decide to swing a kettlebell with me, the coach chooses that moment to watch and give pointers, and a third party is just staring and cheering. Three people studying my slow ass. That’s a good combo to make me spiral into a Cyclone of Despair.

Here’s what you do. You sit or stand far away. Across the gym. You pretend to talk to someone else. Once, just once, you look over and yell, “You got it, [fat CrossFitter]!” which makes you feel supportive and me watched, but not too much.


Those photos you took of me working out? Restrain yourself from uploading them to Facebook. I’ll write my name and shitty time on the board. I’ll fess up to a measly 2-pound PR in the comments on your website. But despite all evidence to the contrary, I like to maintain a fantasy that I’m a badass when I work out. Your public photos show me how delusional I am and the internet exactly how many chins I have.


Comment on my push press PR. Chat me up about my good back squat form. But please don’t tell me I’m looking skinny. We both know that’s a lie, so it just makes things awkward.

That’s it. Follow these guidelines, and fat CrossFitters everywhere will think you’re a sensitive, supportive, all-around-awesome person.

[UPDATE: Before you comment, please read this.]

[UPDATE: Also, follow-up post.]

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344 thoughts on “Guidelines for Dealing with Fat CrossFitters”

  1. As a Fat Crossfitter, which I want to shorten to FC but can’t because it’s then going to remind me of all the times I got called firecrotch in school, gaarggh….ok, now I got divereted. Anyway, as a Fat Crossfitter, I agree with all these points. I also love when the coaches, the sweet, well-meaning coaches, try to correct my form and tell me to have a “flat-back.” I get that’s what I’m supposed to have, but the back-fat pretty much prevents that, but man I’m trying, I really am!

  2. I freaking love this post. I am so sorry if I ever made you feel uncomfortable. Chalk it up to esprit de corps which was drilled into my head until very recently. We are all far from what we envision as our perfect (ie) badass selves. Your humor and wit rivals all the flatbacks in the world. And you have one chin, and are not. fat.

  3. Except Ollie. He’s badass. If he were any more badass jack baeur would have to cede the thrown and chuck norris would take third. This might cause a male sense of humor schism throwing the world into a quasi ice age sans Jake Gyllenhall which, as we are all aware, leaves none to win. Except Ollie. He wins. Damn his eyes.

  4. if i could do a tenth of what you do.
    and i’m sorry. you aren’t fat. i’ve been to walmart.
    not even gonna tell you how hot you are. my girlfriend will be jealous.

  5. Um. Amy, you’re not fat. Kate, you’re not fat either. And what in the world are you talking about when you mentioned the so-called ” back-fat”? That’s just crazy talk, and definitely not why people correct your form.

    Skinny, fat, medium, stocky, tall, short people alike who don’t like people cheering for them – Get over it! That’s CrossFit and that’s how 90% of the Crossfitters roll. They cheer for you b/c they are your friends and they want to support you. Be thankful for them and seriously, stop complaining!

        1. And everybody stop with the you’re-not-fat bullshit. Go to any BMI calculator, type in 5’2″ and 175 pounds. It’ll tell you that I’m not just overweight—I’m obese. Now I don’t believe the BMI is everything, but saying I’m not fat is like saying I’m not short. OK, in *Italy*, I wasn’t that short, and I don’t suppose my relatives would call me fat if I were Samoan. But I’m not.

          I’m not saying I’m a troll. I get that there are people in this world who find me attractive (YAY!), but I’m overweight. That’s a fact.

          1. Hey there, just chimming in.

            BMI calculators are crap, in my opinion and not a true judge of health.

            That being said, when I first started CF I was 240# at 5’2″. Thats unheatlhy by any standard. The then strangers at my box yelling and cheering for me pissed me off at first. But after awhile, when I truly knew thier intentions werent malicious, that yelling became motivating. Now, years later I am 165# at 5’2″. Sure, still overweight by BMI standards. Well honeslty F*CK those standards. I am now a CF trainer at my box, and put the “skinny” girls to shame in WODs. That is the cool thing about Crossfit. You can’t judge a book by its cover. Size doesn’t necessarily equal physical capability.

            Attitude, consistent training and sheer determination will determine your outcome. And this is coming from an ex-fat girl, not someone who has never been there. Sure I am not at my ideal size, but I now care more about what I can do in the gym more than that number on the scale.

  6. Dude, just b/c I’m not the slowest or the “fattest” in CrossFit doesn’t mean I don’t know what it feels like to not finish as fast as I would like or to look exactly they way I’d want. I just think it’s kinda rude to complain about the people who support you. That’s what CrossFit is about. I also think it’s a bit rude to assume to speak as if “fat” people are the only people with problems. I’m going to tell you the same thing I’ve told many other people – there is a “Y” right down the street, and I guarantee not a single person will pay an ounce of attention to you there.

  7. Okay, here’s the deal. I can respect the fact that you don’t want people supporting you in certain ways. That’s your choice. I think what I have a hard time with is your blaming your attitude on you being “fat”. I have such a hard time with excuses and have very little tolerance for them. One of my bootcampers has MS. She is the very last person to finish every single workout. I have to come up with very creative modifications for her in the workouts, but I have never heard, “Poor me, I’m last b/c I have MS” come out of her mouth. The other athletes cheer hard for her and it’s mostly b/c of how hard she works and her great personality.

    If you don’t like people cheering for you b/c your last, do a attitude check and think about how much these people like you instead of siting around complaining about them and feeling sorry for yourself. And by all means, don’t blame it on you being fat.

    (sorry. I’m sure that’s loaded with typos. I sent that from my phone.)

    1. Ashley, the post was meant to be funny and to give people a glimpse into my admittedly ridiculous psyche. I’ve made it very clear that I love the people at CrossFit. Many, many times. (Even in the post! Go back and read the post!) And I KNOW people want to be supportive. What, do you think I think they’re being assholes? I know they’re trying to be supportive, and I stated that. I’m just saying they sometimes accomplish the opposite of what they intend.

      I have more to say, but I’m going to leave it at that because, I don’t know, your comments don’t seem to be coming from the Ashley I know.

        1. I’m sorry, I can’t help myself: At what point did I “assume to speak as if ‘fat’ people are the only people with problems”? I think you’re reading stuff that’s not there.

  8. You never said that they are the only people to have problems. I was trying to make an obviously unclear point that many people have much bigger problems than being fat.

    I’m sorry, but even though I make fun of many things in CF (I freaking love Drywall) and disagree with some of the things common in most CF boxes, I still love our community and the support within it. It’s hard for me to let it go when others complain about being treated well. I know your blog is a comedy blog, but to me this post came across like a very unsupportive blog to what takes place at our gym.

      1. So, I take it back. Not really sorry. I’ve been thinking about it, and I reread the post, and I still think it’s funny and a slice of me, which is what I aim to put on this blog. I urge you to reread it through that lens, rather than however you were hearing it before. I think you’ll see I wasn’t “complaining about being treated well”. I wasn’t saying being fat was the world’s worst problem. (That woman with MS who does CrossFit? Good on her. She should blog about it. I don’t have MS, so I blog about other things.)

        I *was* feeling sorry for myself. That’s why I wrote the post—because I’ve found the best way to deal with being a whiny asshole is to fess up to it on my blog.

        And you know I adore you, Ashley, but I think you were really harsh. The part about making excuses? Very judgy owl. And blamey monkey. You can take a breather on judging and blaming me—I do that all day mydamnself.

        And in the end, if you don’t change your mind about the post, I’m still allowed to make fun of things in CrossFit, even if you don’t think they’re funny. You can always hit up Drywall or Beast Mode.

  9. I HATE being yelled at for encouragement. Whether it be first, last or in the middle. It’s annoying as all shit to me. It doesn’t make me want to run faster or push harder, it just makes me want to yell; “SHUT THE FUCK UP!”

    I’m an introspective athlete. I like to get in my zen state and workout, fight, grapple, etc. I don’t need people “Yelling” encouragement to me. Just let me choke this dude out, punch this guy in the face or do my push-ups in peace. I will never go back and run with the last person to “encourage” them, unless they’ve asked me too. Unless someone asks you to yell at them, run along side them or do additional exercises for them, don’t. Just don’t. It’s annoying.

    By the way, is your ass getting bigger? It’s looking good! :)

    1. I agree. I am one of the older members at my box. Just getting out of bed and showing up on some days is an accomplishment for me. I just want to do my workout and get out. I have worked out with various routines over half my life and crossfit has held my interest the longest and I am losing weight and seeing results. I don’t need the cheerleaders. Let me do my workout, get done and go home. I understand the community part but I’m like you – shut the hell upl I have asthma – the last thing I want to hear is people saying good job. I used to run the 220 in 26 seconds – do you know how I feel not being able to jog at the same pace most people can walk? It is not a good feeling. I can translate a lot of what this post has about being fat to being a “master” athlete.

  10. I’m sorry for being harsh. I call it “tough love”, but most people don’t see it that way. I do that. It’s one of my many flaws as a human being. Just ask my husband, Dave R., my parents, my sister, my best friend, or anyone in this world who has spent much time with me. Sometimes I wonder how I keep any friends. I can be such an ass. (Definitely NOT a Jesus quality.) However, please understand that coaching CrossFit and all the craziness that encompasses it is my career, and not only is it my career, but it’s my passion. All of our coaches except for Dave have other *real* jobs. Not me. This is what I do.

    Amy, (I’m speaking out of love here) when are you going to start focusing on all that you’ve accomplished? When are you going to realize that you are the minority? The majority of people in this world CAN NOT do what you do. And as harsh and judgmental as this may sound, I do think you’re making excuses.

    I think what truly bothers me most about this post is even though you were attempting to be funny, you spoke as if all “fat” people felt this way. I understand that you may not like people cheering for you, but that’s your own personal issue.

    And Joe, cheering doesn’t mean yelling AT someone. There is a huge difference between the two.

    1. I have written about what I’ve accomplished. But accomplishments are not usually that interesting (unless you’re Steve Jobs) and definitely not funny. Struggle makes a good story. Struggle can be funny. Ask any creative writing teacher.

      And I’ll quote myself: “And I think I speak for many fat CrossFitters.” *Think* and *many*. But OK, so maybe I painted with a wide brush. Nonetheless, I’ve had several people come up to me and say, “Yes, exactly.” These are the Fat CrossFitters, and they’re actually not fat. But “Struggling CrossFitters” doesn’t roll off the tongue, does it? Point is, just because you can’t relate to this post doesn’t mean I’m the only one who gets crazy and insecure during WODs.

  11. okey dokey…jumping in for a minute. i’m going to write in bullet points b/c i focus better that way…

    *Per fat = “The condition of weighing more than the medically prescribed average for a specific height and age range.”

    “Something chicks fear above all else, causing them to deny themselves the love of a good pizza. It tends to make them eat salads and act finicky in restaurants. ”

    *the purpose of cheering, yelling, encouraging, etc your fellow crossfitters is to make you move your ass a little bit faster, lift that weight with a little more ka-pow, and generally it’s just meant to do whatever it takes to get you to get it done. For me, yes, sometimes it pisses me off b/c if i feel like i’m doing crappy in a wod, if i’m fumbling on double unders or hitting early muscle failure on push ups and people are cheering and yelling for me to keep going, i just want to tell them to “shut the fuck up” and leave me alone. and…i’ve actually said those words before.

    but it comes down to a pride issue for me. i’m a proud person. i feel like i should be able to maintain a certain caliber and if i feel like i’m missing the mark i get angry with myself. so when people start cheering and yelling for me, i get even more angry b/c i don’t want them cheering for me b/c i’m obviously already doing a crappy job. i have totally been there and it humbles the pride right out of me.

    but i have also done my fair share of yelling and cheering, especially now that i’m coaching and i know that i do it just to help people push through. as much as it infuriates me sometimes, i do push a little harder and work a little faster when i’ve got someone yelling in my face, if for no other reason than to make them shut the hell up.

    *there is no “fat crossfitter” “skinny crossfitter” “short crossfitter” “tall crossfitter” “blue-eyed crossfitter” “left handed crossfitter” or “dyslexic crossfitter.” you either crossfit or you don’t. period.

    *we are a community, first and foremost. a family, if you will, and no one is harder on you than your own family

    i think that’s all i got. probably b/c it’s past my bedtime and my brain isn’t really firing on all cylinders anymore. :)

    last note: Amy E Scott, you gotta give urself some cred! you’re freakin awesome and you should be told that on a regular basis. and, no, i’m not married. :)

    1. Anna C, girl, I know people are going to cheer. I do it myself. And 99% of the time, I’m able to see it for what it is and appreciate it even if it makes me feel uncomfortable. This post sprang from an experience that was the proverbial straw that broke the Amy’s back, where *three people* WERE watching me: one doing the exercise with me, one coaching me, and one standing—no shit—three feet from me and cheering, repeatedly, for a long time.

      And I’ll say again, in case anyone’s still unclear on this part, I LOVE MY CROSSFIT FAMILY.

      1. ok, agreed, three people in your face is a bit much. i probably would have lost it at that point too. cheering is good but there is such a thing as overkill.

        speaking to the people that like to join in and do the exercise with you, you need to think before you do that. maybe ask if it’s ok to do that, b/c i totally can see how that would make some people uncomfortable. it’s a great act of solidarity, but just gauge the mood before you jump in. you don’t want to add insult to injury.

        a little bit goes a long way in this situation

  12. i cheer cause i love cheering…cheering’s my favorite, and amy scott you can’t take that away from me. i will never do extra burpees with you, cause that sounds like extra work. what i have trouble with is people counting for me, (not with me, cause they are usually wrong) or when people ask how many reps i have left (cause i usually can’t do that math.

      1. I never said I didn’t want you to cheer, Lindsay! You better cheer for me (or better yet, do some dance team routines for me)! I’m glad you feel me on the burpees.

        1. I prefer to save my technical moves for important occasions, crossfit cheers usually entail roof raising, and maybe some cabbage patching…

          1. I’d like a clarification on something. You said, and I quote, “Cheering’s my favorite,” but I seem to remember a certain Facebook photo where you commented, “Smiling’s my favorite.” WHICH IS IT, LINDSAY? ARE YOU A FLIP-FLOPPER?

  13. A little solidarity here from a fellow CrossFat. I understand where you’re coming from on this.

    I bust my ass in the gym and have lost quite a bit of weight but will never “look” Crossfit. I’m 2 inches shorter than you, stocky, and my BMI is STILL obese. (I hate it when people say “muscle weighs more than fat” because there ain’t that much muscle in the world…next you’ll tell me what a great personality I have.) I only wear Crossfit t-shirts working out at my own gym, otherwise it seems too ironic. I can be hell with a barbell, but I run like a charging 3-day old pug. I’d also like to add “fat people don’t like hanging from bars” to your list.

    Photos can go both ways. I hate when I see them but then get my feelings hurt when I feel like I’ve been excluded because of how I look. I understand photos are advertising but it still burns when you confront other’s assessments that you don’t “look” Crossfit.

    My coping mechanism for unwanted cheering: loud headphones, a blank look, and expressive gestures (OK, only one gesture). I love cheering for others and I’ve found that at Crossfit boxes it universally comes from a very well-meaning source. Cheering does push me harder sometimes but I agree that there are times that it is significantly detrimental. If I’m almost done and trying to finish the WOD before someone else or to beat a previously announced PR, then cheering can help. When everyone finished a while ago and I’m the ONLY one left still going…when I’m struggling and HATE that I’m struggling so badly, then cheering feels like taunting. And for goodness sake don’t huddle around become a crowd either, save that for street fights and stonings.

    1. Thank you, Teapot! A lot of people have expressed solidarity with us CrossFats (haha!), just to me personally or by email, not here on the blog. We are legion!

      Street fights and stonings! Hahahahahaha!

  14. I hear what you’re saying, but get over yourself. As a Coach, I’m going to motivate you and cheer you on like I do everyone else. I’m not going to ignore you because you’re fat and you don’t want attention drawn your way. I would respectfully suggest that you go to Globo-Gym if you’re that self-conscious. I get the picture thing though.

  15. just talk to the athletes in your gym. sheesh

    we have people joked about getting thier picture taken, we even taken some down.

    but we let every new athelte know that we take pictures, and its in the waiver and they intial it.

    if you don’t want to be encouraged thenwork out by yourself.

    if you are constantly last, then your coach should scale the wods for you.

    to me it sounds you have a lack of communication between you and the coaching staff. the runs are too long, let them know. weight to heavy let them know. 5 roundds seems to much ask to do 3 instead.

    i hope you don’t blog about the lack of communication in you personal relationship either.

    1. I love this post! Not so much the above comment, though. I do think the point about scaling is valid. I’m nearly always last, sometimes because of things like burpees that take me forever, but often because I like to try heavier weights. I’m lucky my coach knows this about me and is good about clarifying things like, “Um, you need to be able to string those C&J together quickly. If you’re resting between each rep let’s take some weight off.” same with things like banded pull ups–5 pull ups I’ll go bandless, 10 I’ll use red, 100 I’ll use blue and likely go to jumping. Not that any if this makes me finish first, but it helps me keep the proper pace for the WOD.

      Oh, and I’d also add: Don’t put my equipment away every. Single. Time. It’s just a favor I can never repay.

  16. Read this via the affiliate link. Ashley sounds like a sanctimonious turd.
    People are entitled to feel what they feel even if it contradicts what you think is “right” or is “coming from a good place.”

    1. hey, sabby. did you read the post where i called myself an ass? i know amy, she knows me. you know neither of us. i think you’re a little “sanctimonious” for saying that about me. i think i’m entitled to “feel what i want” just as much as amy.

  17. AB-

    Good luck today! This post is linked on the Crossfit Affiliate website’s post for 10/27/2011. I think you’re going to get a few blasts from gung-ho CFers who are taking this post out of context and aren’t aware of the general self-deprecating humor of your blog.

    So anyone visiting and judging for the first time…please step away from the high horse.

  18. Hey Its your long lost 11:30/5pm or 6pm class friend Gabe! Great post…I def understand but I know I love cheering everybody on untill that last rep! And this is coming from à guy who you have seen finish dead-end last à lot! In fact ashley would finish a wod me and her were doing at times and be taking her recovery meal as she chèared me on!! Hahaha cant wait to see you all at the CFC!

  19. OMG, OMG, OMG! I leave on vacation and you post this hilarious blog! Amy Scott, I don’t cheer for you, I queer for you; thus, I will continue to do so. I’ve also seen you run pretty damn fast, albeit when you’re chasing a dog, a butterfly, or a bucket of fried chicken. I shall limit my coaching to the following phrases: posture, lean, and lift; that/those (box, rope, bar, rings) isn’t/aren’t going to (jump, lift, dip) itself/themselves; and Luke, I am your father.

  20. I hate this post… I don’t know any of you, but this post was emailed to me.

    I’m a crossfitter who weighs 253lbs… I weighed 354lbs when I started this journey in February of 2011. Thats right, 100lbs in 8months. But I’m not a “fat crossfitter” and I never have been… I’m just a crossfitter. I’m part of the family.

    My Box is a family and we all encourage each other. They yell for me when it comes to box-jumps and double unders (because they smoke me) and I yell for them when we’re doing thrusters and tire flips (because I smoke them).

    It doesn’t piss me off that they yell for me. They are trying to encourage a man who is pushing himself to a 176HR in a timed WOD that I couldn’t even finish 5months ago… They are my support team. They are the reason I’ve lost 100lbs. They have taught me to be proud of my accomplishments and not complain about the insignificant BS.

    Be proud that you’re crossfitting and that people in your Bpx actually give a damn about you. The people at the YMCA and Golds Gym will gladly care less about you……

      1. Yes, yes, Ashley’s right! You have every reason to be proud. I was just saying to a friend that people aren’t actually reading the post—they’re reading the commentary in their head about the post and commenting on *that*, and yet I just did the same thing with your comment…hahahaahahaha!

        (That being said, enough with the fucking “Join Gold’s Gym” bullshit. It’s not original, and I’ve already addressed it.)

  21. Pingback: ISABEL
  22. I found this hilarious. Thanks for the entertainment!

    I’m not sure why people are getting so butthurt about this post. Amy gets the sincerity of your cheering (I don’t know her but I can tell that much), it just doesn’t always fall on self-confident ears. When you crouch down directly in front of me to cheer on the remaining 15 bitchass thrusters I have left, I get that you are genuinely trying to offer me support, I just start thinking about how my shirt is gonna pull up on the up thrust and my belly roll’s gonna give you a wave (crap, did I change outta my hello kitty undies to nondescript black?), instead of concentrating fully on the thruster, okay? is that a ridiculous thought? yes! but it’s there nonetheless. and like Amy, the main reason I keep going back to my box is the sense of community and support. different things work for different people is all. yeesh.

    AND wtf at people telling you to go to a globo gym? yeah, like that goes along with the spirit of crossfit…

  23. Somebody finally stated what we do! If FC has many faults, I point out one and hammer them on it. Afterwards, I commend them and then point out a second one to work on next time. You have to know your people. Some love the encouragement, some despise. A great instructor will recognize both and deliver. Great post

  24. I love the humor here. Perfect mixture of fact based, blunt honesty, sarcasm and pride.
    Be proud of who you are, if you are a FC, but you love Crossfit, I say that makes you just as awesome as everyone else. There is nothing wrong with being proud of who you are.
    I do feel bad now, when I encourage some of the bigger folks, though I consider myself a bit of a FC myself, so I dont know if I get any sort of freebies for being at least a fringe member of the club.
    I am glad you pointed these things out. I always try and encourage, and point out the things everyone is amazing at. One of our FCs is a girl, and she destroys me on every type of jerk, snatch and squat known to man. She has immaculate form, so I always tell her she is my hero, because I strive to have her form, and strength. I had never considered the possibility it might actually rub her the wrong way by me telling her how much I admire how good she is at that kind of stuff.
    Thanks for the pointers, I will keep these in mind. I wouldnt want someone who is in love with Crossfit to see me as one of the reasons to walk away. That would be terrible, of me, for them, for the community.

  25. I don’t know you – your box-mates claim you are not fat, but none-the-less – I think you could replace the word “Fat” in this post with the word “New”. I have felt all of these things in my workouts and I think a lot of people new to our sport do. In fact, I so identified myself as “new” to CrossFit that even after a year of workouts, I still felt new.

  26. Late as hell… but this post is great Amy. I hear what you’re saying and echo those thoughts more than you know. I think the craziest thoughts and get straight up mad trying to grind out those last reps. Thanks for sharing!!

  27. I am also a Fat Crossfitter – currently 5’1″ 215# – best shape of my life. thanks to 6 months of personal training and 7 months of Crossfitting.
    I loved your point of view. My first box had one of 3 trainers who was great and they didn’t overindulge on the encouragement. On the flip side, they were not good at helping with scaling – if it wasn’t for my own personal trainer being there with me I would have maybe not continued. Now I am much more comfortable but when thinking about going to a new box (i travel for my job), I always hesitate for all the reasons you stated. But then I remind myself that this is about me and not about anyone else or how they make me feel.

    I may never be able to climb the rope or do a MU but I’m going to work at it and not give up. But I can do 24″ Box Jump and HR pushups neither of which I could do last year. My victories are personal – so are my struggles. Fatties know that everything looks/feels different. If you’ve never been Fat, you wouldn’t understand.

    Thanks for this post – you rock

  28. OMG…sorry if it offends anyone…but I am dying here. LOL!!! I am a fat crossfitter. I have managed to improve since starting 1 year ago…but even the greenest newbies beat me regularly.

    Still? I love it. With a passion that I reserve for very few other things in life.

    My box has been kind. They encourage, they support, they include me. And for that, I am grateful and I return over and over again and attack each and every WOD with every ounce of determination in my (fat) body.

    Although I’d LOVE to have lost about 50lbs from this last year of CF…I am now pain free (used to have debilitating back pain) and no longer take muscle relaxers/narcotic pain killers…and I’ll take that as a GREAT sign of success!

  29. I started this past week. I will say. I felt this way. The coach told me to go ahead and stop. I said NOPE…I will finish. I refuse to stop something. I have for too long, I know the workouts are hard and will, WILL push myself to do so.

    2nd work out…. Funny thing…???? I did great on my form for the deadlifts, overhead jerks, etc, which he was looking for. PLUS it may have been just the press jerk and dips…3 rounds but I was 20 seconds behind the newbie guy! :) I about died. The warm-up was another story….bear crawl. smh….

    I will say…We are there to workout too. Keep pushing! :) Loved your article and felt like a weak person, coming in 5 minutes after the other guy, but I kept going, I refused to quit!

  30. I’m boarding-line obese, but a hard worker and I’ve been waffling on signing up for Crossfit. This is exactly what I was afraid of and exactly what I needed to hear. When I leave this website, I’m putting the money down.
    Also, I write. And edit. A lot. This is brilliant. Keep writing.

  31. I’m going to comment, and no I didn’t read all the things that you told me to read prior to commenting… Sorry! I just wanted to give you a cyber high five for this post!
    I’ve been going to CF for several years, and I love it. Like, I LOVE IT. I love the way I feel when I walk out the box door, I love the people that I work out with, I love feeling like a bad ass when I tell people I CF, and I especially love when I post something on Facebook and get to tag myself at the CF box.
    BUT. When I’m actually AT the box doing the WOD, all of the things you wrote in this post are streaming through my brain on repeat. It’s not the fault of CF either. It’s just that I have social anxiety already, plus I’m 6ft tall and 250lbs (so sometimes my length paired with my width makes things challenging), plus I have ALWAYS been the slowest at everything athletic, even when I was in great shape (except running like a horse, because I could beat ANYbody on all fours when I was younger)
    Thank you for writing this. Nobody should take it personally. I was actually thrilled to read this because it means I’m not the only one with these insecurities. There are like no other overweight people at my box. Like…. none. I actually literally can’t think of one who is fatter than I am. Lol!
    Love you blog! Keep being you!

  32. Holy revival, I’m sorry. A friend just turned me on to your site and I’m just now finding it. Been doing CF for over 2 years now and it’s changed my life, but this still describes me in about half the WODs. Thank you so much for putting this out there! I’m sure I have despairing posts on my blog too, but none that ever got as many likes or views as yours! Excited to keep following you on your new journey. :) <3

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