Harden the Fuck Up

I can’t believe how good I feel. I was cracking UP with my fourth period class today, and sitting here now, I’m just delighting in the color of my kitchen walls. Which is gray. But it’s such a cool gray!

It kind of pisses me off. I mean, clearly the amino acids work for me. But (a) I don’t understand why because I no goot at syintz, so (b) there’s a niggling little neuron in my brain that keeps saying, “It’s just a placebo effect.”

Even if it is all in my head, I shouldn’t care because I feel better, but I really wish I could conduct a controlled, double-blind study on myself. Because, if it turned out that a placebo cured my depression, then I could stop spending money on the amino acids and just harden the fuck up.


8 thoughts on “Harden the Fuck Up”

  1. 1. I have a looooong and very interesting article about randomized controlled trials and their associated problems. I can send it along if you’d like, or I can just tell you the punchline: “Is it necessary to test whether parachutes are useful to people jumping out of planes?”

    2. if you really wanted to set up a double-blind study for this, it would only require 2 willing volunteer-friends who could keep their mouths shut long enough to preserve the experimental design. just sayin.

    3. “This is Stefan. His name’s Stefan. Harden the fuck up, Stefan!”

  2. That makes me want to re-watch Chopper and remember the time when I thought Eric Bana was the greatest actor of his generation.

  3. this is me on dr d’s little computer. cause i am on the rock.
    harden the fuck up, and write something, kiddo!

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