I Wish the Gum Trick Worked in Other Situations

I took Violet to the vet school this morning. She’s so sweet and scared when she goes in there. The student examined her, then called in the doc. Could be a number of things, she said.

1. She might have tendonitis. The other anti-inflammatory I had been giving her might not work for her, so if it’s tendonitis, we could try a different one.

2. She might have an inflammation caused by her immune system, called synovitis. That could be treated with steroid injections to the joint.

3. It could be an infection around the plate and screws. I thought this would be the best-case scenario; antibiotics and poof! infection gone. Turns out, if it’s an infection, the antibiotics will work, but when I stop giving them to her, the infection will come back.

I remember, before I had my wisdom teeth out, the orthodontist said something about how a spot will develop a biofilm and just keep getting re-infected. Guessing that’s the same thing.

Anyway, if that’s the case, if the antibiotics work, they’ll need to take the plate and screws out.

I failed at the second one.

Will she be OK?, I sniffled. They said she would; she doesn’t need the plate and screws anymore.

How much? $1,200.


So this morning, they were going to sedate and x-ray her. Again. To see if it was an infection or tendonitis. How much? About two-fifty.


I had actually left the hospital when the vet called me back and said she had consulted with another doctor, and they could try a course of antibiotics first and see.

So I went back and picked up a bunch of pills which were $3.50 each. I want them to work. Because I want my baby girl to stop limping. I want her to feel better. Yet if they work, I’m fucked.

Boo hoo hoo.

6 thoughts on “I Wish the Gum Trick Worked in Other Situations”

  1. *hug* Say the word and we’ll go out and find nonessential inanimate objects to punch, kick and scream abuse at, and then have some beer and watch “sleepy puppy” videos on youtube. While petting those two awesomest of dogs.

  2. damnit. that is not the “dollop of peanut butter and it’s all better” answer i wanted. not at all, actually.

    loving you and vy and sending lots of love

  3. :(. Sorry ame. That really sucks. Our furry babies can cause a great amount of heartache. I don’t know how to make that better. I hope it sucks less soon.

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