Why I Love CrossFit, Part 1

As a kid, a lot of things made me proud of myself. A 102 on a spelling test (I had to get the two Bonus Words to be satisfied), getting the violin solo in orchestra, a blue ribbon at Field Day, making it into the Pioneer Playmakers drama troupe.

But during the course of my adult life, there haven’t been a whole lot of times when I felt like patting myself on the back.

I didn’t feel particularly proud of myself when I got my Master’s. My roommates had to be like, “Uh, Amy, are you going to invite us to your graduation?” I said, “You want to go? Wait, do you think my parents would want to go?”

I bought a house, but I wasn’t brimming with pride on closing day. I just signed a bunch of paper and pay my mortgage on time every month. Woo-frickin-hoo.

I teach children every damn day of the week, but I don’t walk out of my school, going, “I make a difference.” Most days, I’m just glad I haven’t doled out any corporal punishment.

But then I go to CrossFit Durham.

Today the WOD was: alternating 20/18/16/14/12/10/8/6/4/2 burpees and 2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16/18/20 double-unders

My time: 20:52 Rx*

I finished last.


And most definitely, a spectator would have said less, “What an athlete!” and more, “Wow. That’s…she’s really…trying hard, isn’t she?”

But you know what? I hate burpees, I hate double-unders, and I did ’em anyway. Afterward, I had to lie on the floor, whimpering, and hit my inhaler twice, but I finished.

Why I love CrossFit: I come in dead last and still feel proud of myself. Every time.

*Rx, y’all. I can count on two fingers how many times I’ve done a WOD as prescribed. Today was #2. (My middle finger, as it were. Which I dedicate to burpees everywhere.) Yes, I had to do a single bounce in between each double-under, but I didn’t count attempts, which is considered totally legit to do. No, if a rep was going to count, I was going to jump over that rope.

And jump I did. And burpee I did.

5 thoughts on “Why I Love CrossFit, Part 1”

  1. I am exceedingly proud of you! I’m very sad I wasn’t there to witness — and cheer for you, of course. That rope isn’t going to jump itself!

  2. i still have no idea what you are talking about but i am pproud of you for pretty much everything you aren’t proud of.
    i think there’s a lot of great amy things in your life you forgot to count.
    so there.
    hey, if you come sat the 16 you can do a bark for cancer dog walk with us.
    they will even lend you a dog if you don’t bring one.

  3. that wod was brutal (actually this week has been full of brutality). i was dead last in my class, too. and i think my time was 20:fifty-something? i also do a single between my doubles. if we ever end up in a class together, folks better watch out… spontaneous combustion is likely.

  4. oh. and i definitely was doing some self-back patting and feeling pretty badass about my dead last finish and welted arms & shins.

  5. Paul, that burp isn’t going to ee itself!

    Margo, I was pretty proud of myself when Nicole wanted to promote me from dish dog to hostess and you didn’t want to let me go.

    Other Amy, seriously. We need to get together. Just to see what would happen.

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