Liftin’ Heavy Objects, Namely *Myself*

Here’s the thing about CrossFit: it makes me feel bad.

I know, I know. I’m getting stronger, and I should feel good about that. And as long as I’m doing the goddamn Workout of the Day, I should be proud of myself.

But I’m just not.

Yesterday’s WOD was three rounds: run 1 km, 10 muscle-ups, and 100 air squats.

Well, of course, I can’t do muscle-ups—listen to how it sounds: it involves muscles taking one in an upward direction…for the record, from a dead-hang to a straight-arms-by-your-sides position on gymnastic rings. I don’t have any muscles that can do that. So I took the modification. Or the modification of the modification.

And air squats, I can do those, though I did only 50 each round. (Honest to god, I blocked the 100 out of my mind. I didn’t realize I was doing half of the prescribed number until the end, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to go back and do the rest.)

And running. Man. I am just not a runner.

You know, my sister and I trained for and walked a marathon, not once but twice, in 2006 and 2007. We also, two years ago, “ran” a half-marathon. Wa got us both commemorative donkey necklace charms, to symbolize how we trotted like burros for 13.1 miles.

She’s kept it up—god love her. She’s into it. But I just hate it. I just hate it so much.

For one thing, I’m not built like a runner. I’m built more like a…shot-putter maybe, or a hooker in rugby.

Or a burro.

Or a gourd.

Anyway, between not muscling-up and modifying everything down and watching everybody disappear into the distance in front of me…well, I just feel bad about myself.

7 thoughts on “Liftin’ Heavy Objects, Namely *Myself*”

  1. Listen up lady…don’t feel bad about starting out as a beginner. EVERYONE has to start somewhere and this is where you are starting. Give yourself a break and stick with it. It is not going to get easier – it will just suck a little less. And then one day you will find that yes, you may not be able to run as fast as everyone else, but damn it you finish and you did the best you can. And you know what will happen? You will have crossfit respect and you will think you are badass. And you will be badass. It comes.

    P.S. Losing count or missing reps happens all of the time. However, if you realize it, go back and do them, you are only cheating yourself.

    I believe in you Amy. Stop focusing on everyone else and shift that attention to working on your skills! Do more things you suck at! Its the only way it will ever suck less~!

  2. Hey, I don’t think I was cheating anybody, myself included! I didn’t lie about doing them, and I was tired, I was done.

  3. I am proud of you for doing a real workout, Ame! If it makes you feel any better, there’s this exercise called “gymnast abs” on my wimpy home weightlifting dvd and after MONTHS (no joke) of trying to do it, I can finally lift myself one (and just one) inch off the floor.

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