You Hate Me! You Really Hate Me!

I got my first hate mail! Maybe soon I’ll be able to monetize the hate!

This particular hater, named “Really?”, hated my 2 Cents + 2 Cents = post.

I especially like the part about how he mentions that knows his comments are unsolicited and perhaps unwanted, but his thinks your profile may be selling yourself short. I can’t think of a better way to say “fuck you” than to call him a douche and blog about it. Classy. I can’t really imagine what brought him to comment on such a woe-is-me profile from someone clearly in a “fuck-with-me-i-dare-you” mood, but you sure put him in his place. I’m sure you two will be the bestest of facebook friends.

Hopefully you have a link to your blog on your profile so guys can “Whoa whoa whoa, no” before they even send you an email.

My response:

Yeah, “Really?”, the point of the post was that I was being an asshole. You didn’t pick that up?

But thanks for reiterating.

For the record, my facebook friend got it. We still play Wordscraper. And you know what else is good news: if you don’t like me, you don’t have to ask me out on a date! I don’t like you, so I won’t ask you out on a date! Yay for both of us!