I Love You, Too

One teaching practice I put into place after reading that article that pissed me off was to check for understanding more frequently and broadly.  The way I do this is, sometimes, I ask a question and reach into a can with all the kids’ names on popsicle sticks.  The student whose name is drawn has to attempt to answer the question, AND the stick goes right back in, so the kid is equally likely to be called on again.  (I’m not a hard-ass.  If they don’t know the answer, I acknowledge some part of their response that has value.  And I don’t do it all the time—just after I’ve taught a lesson, before independent practice, when I want to make sure they got the concept.)

This practice has made me realize exactly how much stuff my students are not getting.  It’s a lot.  What an eye-opener for me.

Well, Friday, amidst my plethora of valentines, I got this one from Chang-sun:

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Ms. Scott, can you please read MY name on the stick even if it is not mine?  Because I really want to announce some of the answers in the math time.  Oh, and happy Valentine’s Day!  I hope you have a great Valentine’s Day with your family.

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