Sperm Committee Update

We’re making progress. There have been no fierce debates, no up-or-down votes, but a couple people have put forth preferences, and we’ve discussed a few medical logistics.

And it has been tremendously validating—I shared 21 profiles (pared down from more than 75 that I looked through), and several committee members were like, “Wow, yeah, I can see why you were overwhelmed.”

First of all, the cryobank writes the profiles like Restoration Hardware catalog blurbs. I keep expecting to find a donor that was carved out of salvaged railroad trestles.

And the writers go heavy on the ol’ double-adjective initial appositive:

“Hard-working and determined, he never lets obstacles stand in his way…”
“Social and outgoing, he makes sure to get the most out of life…”
“Funny and imaginative, his great smile is as warm and engaging as he is…”
“Driven and intelligent, he plans to earn his PhD…”

Repetitive and off-putting, it doesn’t make for compelling reading.

Also, how do I weight the height, educational level, and hair color? Do they all get equal points?

One committee member who listed “great with large data sets” in the Special Skills section of his BBSSC Application said he could make a spreadsheet. That might help.

But actually, now that I think about it, what if I don’t really care about any of those criteria? Do I just print out the profiles, pin them to the wall, and throw a dart?

There’s one donor I’m drawn to but probably only because the handle they assigned him is Mr. Happy Pants.


And I’m still bummed about doing this having-a-baby thing by myself. I KNOW, I KNOW, people fall in love later. I just… I’m having a hard time believing it’s going to happen to me.

Because I have a terrible dating track record.

And because I’ll have a kid that’s not his.

But also because my 38-year-old carcass is not gonna bounce back from this business. Even before pregnancy, my soul-vehicle has never been that great—it always kinda looked like it suckled a couple litters. After three years of hard work in the gym (I’m in the best shape of my life—I even have a muscle), it looks like maybe only one litter.

And now

wreck it ralph

without a man I love having born witness.


I guess I just have to hope that the dude I meet later on can tolerate my ineptitude with intimacy, digs my bastard kid, and is really, really turned on by my soul.

8 thoughts on “Sperm Committee Update”

  1. How did I miss the opportunity to be on the committee? I need to live sperm donoring single momming vicariously.

  2. Umm, ditto on the ‘How did I miss out on being a part of this committee?’ business!
    Here’s the thing you keep skipping/ignoring- you continually insist your soul vehicle is less than inspirational when I know for a fact, this is not the case and everyone on this blog agrees with me. YOU ARE A FREAKING PIN-UP Additionally, as someone who found love later, married twice AND came with her own piece of other-man’s child baggage, it’s not impossible. Just makes you more creative ;)

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