Ten things I like. About myself.
Ten things. I like. About myself.
This is a tough bit of homework, assigned by Coach Ashley to a bunch of us female CrossFit bloggers who, she noticed, tend to engage in a lot of conversations with ourselves in which we disparage our looks, bodies, and physical abilities. The requirement: ten things you like about or can do with your body. Not character traits. They don’t count.
What I noticed as I brainstormed was that wanted to qualify all of my ideas. Like, I smile with my whole face, but my teeth slant inward in a wholly unattractive way. Or, if they weren’t quite so square, my feet would be really cute.
I figured that disclaimers went against the spirit of the thing so I really concentrated to try to come up with things. Here we go:
1. I have nice eyes. They’re a cool color which morphs from blue to green to grey and back depending on what I’m wearing. When I’m not wearing mascara, which is all but about two nights a month, people think I am. When I am wearing mascara, people accuse me of wearing false eyelashes.
2. I’ve got rhythm. I’ve always loved to dance, and even today, I don’t listen to music while doing anything else because, if it’s on, I want to be dancing, and if I can’t be dancing, I get cranky.
3. (Related to #2) I’m coordinated. If you give me something to do with my body, and I have the strength, I’ll do it—often on the first try but definitely within a shorter time frame than the next guy.
4. My shoulders are all freckly. I know that’s just sun exposure, but I think it’s cute.
5. I have a strong back. Always have had. I gave a piggyback ride to my best friend’s 210-pound stepdad. When I was twelve.
That’s all I got! And even as I wrote the list, which took two days, I felt compelled to document the myriad qualities and attributes that annoy or disgust me about myself. In fact, wait a minute.
Yep. Took me about 90 seconds to list an even dozen.
I think I’m gonna get a bad grade on my homework.
P.S. Here’s Nelly’s , Ashley’s, Colleen’s, Lindsay’s, Bea’s and the bad-assest cancer-beating Melinda’s posts.
P.P.S. I was encouraged to include my ass in this list, but the assignment was things I like about myself. Not things others like about me. Or parts of me that are visible from space kinda like the Great Wall of China.
You do have lovely eyes. I guess I don’t notice too much because I’m usually staring at YOUR ASS. Just saying.
My aim here, by the way, is to fulfill that thing about “we are what we repeatedly do.” If I keep on about it every chance I get, you’ll be a person who gets complimented on her figure a lot. See, it makes sense :)
I was going to suggest booty, but I see you already covered that part. :)
How ’bout hugging? Stamina? Nice thick hair? Your nice straight nose?
Allow me to suggest you consider the following:
Your laugh, which you share easily and without much provocation. It’s infectious in a good way, medicinal, and about the most lovely thing about you after your ass and your eyes.
Your chesticle area, which I’m only commenting on from memory due to my being all matrimonied up and shit, but as I recall through the hazy fog of time your rack is rocking in the totally lovely, well-proportioned, perfect for your body and personality kind of way.
You hair – I always wondered why you never seemed to think your hair was something that you had going on. It is, it frames your face beautifully, great color, great highlight to your eyes and your skin tone (especially when you’re all suntanned up) and looks great long or short.
i agree, laugh, hair, chest.
i’m not an ass person, personally.
i think you have great hands.
and those eyes, well, thank god you at least recognize those eyes are amazing.
Y’all are too kind. The hair and chest were two of the things that made the list with qualifiers, i.e., good hair…if it weren’t so greasy, nice boobs…as long as they’re contained in a solidly structured bra.
Great hands?! I’ve never heard that one. My left thumb nail, that I smashed in a car door 25 years ago and is still all wonky, was in the dozen things that annoy/disgust me.
I do give good hugs, and I suppose my “tavern-wench laugh” (as Dad says) could qualify. My nose is not straight, but I like it OK anyway.
Maybe I should think more on the topic and take a mulligan.
you’ve got fantastic body awareness. all it takes is one verbal cue from me and you’re golden. you can hula hoop like there is no tomorrow. (definitely RX+ on that skill.) you know how to throw a bangin’ party. you are funny. you are pretty. when you laugh, i want to laugh. your laugh is contagious. :)
Good luck at the wedding! – A reader of Ian’s blog
Thanks, Ashley. I need to redo this post because I missed the part of the assignment about saying something we like about our fellow lady bloggers. I could write tomes about that!
Thanks, CM! I’ll let you know if I get engaged this weekend.
I like this post, enjoyed this one thank you for posting. “I never let schooling interfere with my education.” by Mark Twain.