Viva Anita

I did a quick count yesterday, and I’m pretty sure I have




Twenty-one is a legion, right?  I’m pretty sure twenty-one is a legion.

Anyhow, I’m completely tapped tonight, dear legion.  So I offer up a topic for the comments section:

Anita Baker vs. Anita Bryant


6 thoughts on “Viva Anita”

  1. Does that make us legionnaires? Excellent, let’s work up a pennant or a crest of some sort. I love your blog Amy, I went back and read every entry, and it’s just amazing.
    Don’t really have any thoughts on Anitas. Today I’m consumed with the question: even though it’s so staged, corny and shameless that it causes me actual physical pain, why do I keep watching The Bachelor?

  2. Hello, readers 5, 18, and 20! Glad you could check in.

    Rachel, yer a shweetie. I’ma do some research on your “Bachelor” question and get back to you.

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