
I was just settling down to read my book when I heard Redford doing his there’s-something-I-want-that-I-can’t-get-at bark. Very different from his person-on-the-property bark (a pretty steady stream of friendly but emphatic woofs) or his other-dog-walking-by (“I’M FREAKIN OUT, MAN”). Definitely different from Violet’s let-me-in, which is a single, irritated arf. (Redford doesn’t bark to be let in. He just punches the door.)

Anyway, his there’s-something-I-want-that-I-can’t-get-at bark is very rhythmic, high-pitched bark/pause/high-pitched bark/pause/whine/whine/whine. I put my book down and went out onto the deck. He was in the yard, his attention focused on something on the other side of the fence. Now Mini-Poodle hasn’t been around in six months—I think his family moved away—but sometimes

Paco'll stop by to say hi.
Paco’ll stop by. To say hi.
Sometimes he wears his camo sweatshirt with the skulls on it. Tough guy.
Sometimes he wears his camo sweatshirt with the skulls on it. Tough guy.

Others, he comes over for a game of hide n’ seek.

Where's Paco?
Where’s Paco?

But not that day. No Paco. Redford was barking at a spot on the ground about three feet beyond the slats. I scooted out there, and looky-loo, there was

this lil fella.
this lil fella.

A wee baby squirrel, most likely fallen out of his nest

way the fuck up there.
way the fuck up there.

Seriously, that pin oak is, like, fifty feet tall. Thank goodness he fell on a bed of leaves, rather than my gravel driveway or one of the railroad ties that boxes it in.

I don’t know how old squirrels are when their eyes open, but he was not however old that was, and he was breathing but not really moving. I bolted inside and asked Facebook what to do, naturally. People sent me links to wildlife rescue organizations, and I read all the stuff online:

  • Don’t give it food or water.
  • Put it in a box with towels, but leave it outside near where you found it in case the mom comes back… though she probably won’t—it wouldn’t have been climbing out of its nest if she’d been around; most likely she got et up or smooshed by a car. :(
  • Bring it in at night. Make sure it’s warm.
  • Yadda yadda yadda.

I didn’t have a shoebox, so I drove over to Kate’s house. She didn’t have a shoebox either, but she gave me

the world's nicest squirrel apartment.
the world’s nicest squirrel apartment.

Back at home, I lined it with pieces of towel and went to capture the little dude. He must’ve recovered from his stunned state because he had some pep in his step.

He jumped out of the box twice; I had to tuck him in with the towel to make him stay. The only place in the house I felt comfortable keeping him was the half-bathroom, whose door I could latch, thereby reducing the likelihood of wild -game dog snacks. I set the box in the sink, put a heating pad on low on one side, and headed back to the internet to see who might have more to offer this guy than the world’s nicest squirrel apartment and probably some close calls with becoming a single-use squeaky toy.

Found some contacts, people who rescue all manner of wayward varmints. Left a message with one and spoke with another, though she just reiterated what the website told me to do and said to call her in the morning if the mother didn’t come scoop him. Then a friend texted, she had an in with a rehabber; she would pass along my number. Woot!

Feeling hopeful, I got up to check on my wee rodent. At the bathroom, I opened the door a crack, slipped inside, and shut the door firmly behind me. I gently lifted up a corner of the towel… a little higher… hm… a little more…

He wasn’t in the fucking box.

I looked around the room, which is, like, 9 square feet—he couldn’t have gone far. Not in the sink. Not behind the toilet. (Not in the toilet—I’m a lid-down gal.) Not in the open bag of dog food on the floor.

My eyes drifted to the 1 1/2-inch crack under the door. Oh fuck. Could he have crawled out? No, the dogs would’ve made a ruckus. And a grease spot on the kitchen floor.

Then I saw the 1 1/2-inch crack under the cabinet that houses the sink. I was on my hands and knees in a jiffy, temple to the floor, and there he was—scooched back underneath, shrugging and nodding. Poor baby, he must’ve fallen off the sink! I mean, only three feet, rather than the goddamn base-jump he took from the pin oak, but still—onto ceramic! :(

I had to get him out of there; it was going to be too cold on the tile all night. Not wanting to risk causing any internal bleeding, I forewent the broomstick and grabbed the fly swatter. It was good enough; it gave me sufficient leverage to sweep him forward. But every time I almost got him out in the open, he scrambled back to the back.

I seriously fly-swatter-wrestled a baby squirrel for ten minutes. That’s something I can say I’ve done with my life.

Finally, on one whisk to the fore, I managed to get him going ass-first, and his tail poked out from under the cabinet. I put my thumb on it, and the deed was done. Good thing I have more strength in my thumb than in a baby squirrel’s whole body. #crossfit #functionalfitness

I tucked him firmly back in the box with the towels but left his manger on the floor in case he decided to go on walkabout again.

Just then, my phone rang. It was the rehab guy! He said he could meet me that night, or my friend could pick the squirrel up in the morning and deliver it to him. I told him I was in his debt so whichever made his life easier. He said, “Well… I just got home from teaching a class… and I’ve got these possums to feed. Let’s do it tomorrow.”

My friend stopped by bright and early the next day, and I said goodbye to my little buddy.

And then I was sad because it occurred to me that it would be fun to train him to ride around on Redford’s neck.

I bet my mom could’ve sewn him a tiny jockey’s uniform too.

I’m keeping my eye on the pin oak for any siblings.

Group of Disabled Mice Assaulted by Local Woman after Misunderstanding

Durham, N.C. – A chilling scene greeted local police when they arrived at the home of Agnes McDonald, wife of famed Old McDonald, after a frantic 911 call from the woman on Friday evening. Three visually impaired rodents were found to have been maimed with a Ginso carving knife, their tails severed, allegedly at the hands of Mrs. McDonald herself.

Worst of all, the incident seems to have been a result of a misunderstanding. When they heard the footsteps of a human coming into the kitchen, the mice, all of whom are legally blind, ran in the direction of their mouse hole. Having been on a two-week vacation in a neighboring home, however, the mice were unaware that the McDonalds had recently remodeled their kitchen. An obstacle (the new center island) blocked their path and forced them to run along its edge, directly toward the woman of the house.

Upon seeing the rodents, Mrs. McDonald became frightened. “I saw this gang of pests running toward me,” she told the investigator. “I didn’t know they were blind. I just thought they had a crazy look in their eyes.”

Fearing for her safety, she pulled a knife out of the knife block and whacked off each mouse’s tail. “I didn’t want to kill them,” she said further, “but I wasn’t about to let a gang of varmints overrun my house.”

The mice were rushed to a local veterinary hospital, where their tails were reattached successfully. The authorities have deemed the incident a case of self-defense. Upon hearing that no charges were filed against Mrs. McDonald and that they themselves might be charged with trespassing, the mice responded, “Of course we don’t think justice has been served!” They intend to sue the McDonalds in civil court.


I assigned the kids to write a newspaper article based on a nursery rhyme or folk song. That’s the example I wrote for them.

To help them get started, I came up with headlines for other nursery rhymes and folk songs. First person to identify them all gets the grand prize: a cyber high-five from me.

  1. Murine Citizen—Innocent Bystander, or Clock Vandal?
  2. Near Drowning at Local Water Source
  3. Area Woman Attempts Murder of Boyfriend While Hiking, Nearly Kills Self 
  4. Dairy-Loving Witness Intimidated with Arachnid
  5. Police Investigate Chilling Ovine Theft/Maiming
  6. Woman Framed for Destruction of Iconic Bridge?
  7. Area Young Sheep: Devoted Pet, or Deranged Stalker?
  8. Local Woman’s State Fair Ribbons Stripped After Plant-Doping Accusations
  9. Bone Thief at Large; Octogenarian Victim Speaks Out
  10. Area Man Arrested After False-Gourd-Imprisonment of Spouse
  11. Elderly, Boot-Dwelling Mom Convicted of Child Abuse
  12. Case of Extreme Hunger, Animal Cruelty, or Psychosis?: Police Baffled

Bonus cyber high-five to anyone who writes an article.

Retrobruxist Friday 3/22/13, or a Decree

Two things happened. A month ago, a friend got a job at a small marketing firm in Durham. About a week later, an acquaintance who was thinking about adopting ‘Nita left me a voicemail. In it, he said, “You’re doing a great job marketing her on Facebook.”

Something happened in my head, something like: marketing job –> me marketing –> marketing job for me

I’ve been wanting to make a career change for a while now. My desire was shorn up by reading this essay a student wrote three years ago. Wow. I’m not that teacher anymore. I’m not “happy almost all the time”. I don’t “laugh a LOT”. I’m definitely not the “BEST TEACHER EVER”. I’m glad I used to be, or at least that I was for that kid, that year.

But I’m burnt out. (I hear that’s a thing that happens to teachers.)

So now I’m looking for a new job/career. Possibly in marketing. And it’s going to inspire me and challenge me and play to my strengths. I hereby decree it, and the Universe will make it so.


Two years ago, I asked you Avid Bruxistists about the ratio and content of similarities/differences in a partnership, and you guys totally fucking brought it in the comments section.

My readership is small, but it is full of smarty-pants. Smarty-pantses? What the plural of smarty-pants? Is it like attorneys general? Smarties-pant?


A year ago, I was struggling. Seems to be a pattern here—late winter suuuuuuuucks. However, I am tapering my amino acids again, and I’m not freaking out. Yet. Plus, Daylight Savings Time loves me and wants me to be happy.

Happy Retrobruxist Friday, y’all.

Retrobruxist Friday 2/22/13

Today I arm-wrestled the boys in my first period class. Only one of them beat me. (Yes, they’re 12 years old; what’s your point?) The one that beat me is hella strong—at least three inches taller than me and wide as a high school football player. We might actually have a 21 Jump Street situation on our hands.

In related news, what is wrong with me?


Three years ago, I started a separate Facebook page for my teacher alter-ego and shook my head at kids these days.

Two years ago, I was trying to come to terms with the fact that the Universe didn’t want me to make any money. The Universe still doesn’t want me to make any money. I’m starting to think maybe this teaching thing is not where the big bucks are. Jobs where I’ll make more money and still have at least 10 weeks off per year, go! (Nota bene: U.S. Congress is out. [See: this blog.])

I rediscovered a year ago that I can’t have Girl Scout Cookies in my house. I also rediscovered that same exact thing two weeks ago. I imagine I’ll rediscover it every year until they put me in the goddamn ground.

Happy Retrobruxist Friday, y’all.

This Is My Career

Student: Have you seen a book around?
Me: …Yes. I’ve seen lots of books around.
Me: (gesturing) There are all those on the shelves over there. There’s a textbook underneath each desk.
Me: Were you looking for a specific book?
Student: Yeah.
Me: Which one?
Student: Escape from something.
Me: Was it one of the Escape from Furnace series?
Student: Iono.
Me: I feel good about our chances here.

They Have a Dream, Part 2

Remember last year when this happened?

Chloe (I taught her for part of fourth grade two years ago): I have a dream that I don’t get into politics.


Tiffeny: I have a dream that America could stick together no matter what happens. Because I heard that China would be ahead of us in 3 years. I say that because If America is below China in economy wise, then everybody would all want to move to China just to say “our economy is better than yours.” then America wouldn’t be such a nice place to live. Because China is much higher in technology than us or any other country. Because all us Americans do is sit down, watch new episodes on t.v., go on vacation, and most of all eat. So that is why they say that China would have a better economy than us in 3 years. So I have a dream that all Americans could cut the laziness out and get to work on a new invention! Study, read more! learn new things, and last, but not least. Have fun! (while your doing work.)

Tiffeny actually has some valid points there.

Vanessa: I dream that my country will be able to live together as one and not fight because of the way we dress.

I didn’t realize that was the cause of all the fighting. I thought it was institutionalized racism and jacked-up income distribution and Republicans not understanding how the female body works and such. The way we dress. Should be easy enough to mend our fractured nation then.

Jennifer: For my baby nephew stop having a bad additude, and his big bro to be good in school. Last but defently not least for my sister in Durham to have a better attidude, along with my mom who needs to stop stressing out so much. PS. By the way it just my hormones I’ma good kid

Marcus: I have a dream that my family will teach my little cousion to not think that everyone will do thing for her.

Jonathan: I have a dream I will be like super man and be able to change in random phoneboths and be in old black & white moives (heehee,funny.). I have a dream that our country will put more money on giving people jobs & more money on education (Ms. Scott your getting a raise! :P). [He drew that emoticon. Not a tongue-out smiley face, but the emoticon for a tongue-out smiley face, sideways.] […] I have a dream that there will no longer be like people canibals like thoughs hobos who wear face paint, kill peoples with knifes and then eat there dead body.

I didn’t know about the cannibal hobo-clowns. Thank you for the nightmare fodder.

Jaclyn: I have a dream that when I grow up this world will be peaceful, the gun shooting will turn into birds chirping. Everyday the insults will turn into kind words the thiefs might turn into businessmen.

I don’t know how to break it to Jaclyn that the reason we’re in this economic mess is because of the thieves that turned into businessmen already.

Ian: I dream that one day my Mom will be able to work with people she likes.


Thomas: When one day I will actually be taller than everyone in this class. […] I have a dream for the world. For when Pangea will be together again.

Jacob: I have a dream that everyday, everywhere they can each sex equally.

I think he meant to insert the word “treat”  between “can” and “each”. But if not, yes, I’m for sexing equally.

Carson: I have a dream that someday I will have a jet pack. That soon abulances will become extinct because People aren’t so stupid.

What a world that would be, if Jennifer’s family had better attitudes, and all Thomas’s classmates were shorter than him, and Ian’s mom liked her co-workers, and people weren’t stupid anymore. And we all got sexed equally.

And Pangea.

I think we’ve all just seen the Promised Land.

Reasons Why 2012 Was Great, Even Though I Hated It

My friend/coach ATD recently wrote a blog post called 10 Reasons Why 2012 Was Great. When I saw the title but before I read the post, I was like, “OH HELL NO 2012 SUCKED AND I’M SO GLAD IT’S ALMOST OVER PHFTHTHPT.” But I thought about my tendency toward the negative and my attempts to cultivate gratitude, and I figured I’d give it a try. I didn’t think I could come up with 10 things, but maybe five, you know? I jotted down 11 in a matter of minutes.

1. Working with people that I like. If you let me, I’ll bitch all day about my job, but truth is, I’ve never had a better teaching situation, so I’m gonna try to STFU with the complaints.

2. Time with the Scott clan. Particularly my nieces and nephews.

They are hilarious.
They are hilarious.

(The eldest/scribe was concerned that Santa might get his fingers snapped in one of various rodent traps that were… necessary at my dad’s house this year. The cheese in the fridge was fair game, but Mr. Claus seemed to be OK with the pretzel treats and whatnot.)

3. Tubing down the Dan River with my friends. I don’t have any photos because nobody has a waterproof camera. That’s probably a good thing.

4. Doing the Tough Mudder. So great. Also, really, really terrible.

5. The Monti. Hosting, putting my name in the hat, just sitting and listening. I enjoyed it all, and I learned so much each time.

6. Fostering Buffy and Tulip. Buffy’s mommies fostered a male dog after they adopted Buffy and ended up adopting him. Talk about paying it forward! And Tulip’s mommy is—well, I’ll put it this way: I can’t imagine a better situation for her. (Go to Tulip’s Facebook page, and scroll down to her status update for December 7. Tulip’s mommy and I wrote it together.)

7. Wire-Watching Zombie Squad. Four friends and I get together most Sundays and throw ourselves into a big pile on the couch and watch an unhealthy number of episodes of The Wire. And I love it. I just fucking love it.

8. Seeing Reggie Watts live with my buddy Kyle.

Do it if you get the chance.
Do it if you get the chance. It’s an experience like no other.

9. When Margo came to visit. I love Margo.

10. Being a CrossFit Durham athlete. I’m not “in shape” by any standard, but I’m definitely in the best shape of my life, and I’ve made so many new friends there.

Also the fact that Dave lets us go rogue and do ridiculous things. Exhibit A: the enTire Mile, an event conceived of by Shiv, during which six of us, taking turns in pairs, flipped a tractor tire an entire mile. Just for the hell of it.

Six of us flipped a tractor tire an entire mile.
That’s me on the left and Shiv on the right.

11. Costa Motherfucking Rica.

Being me, I also wrote down things that sucked about 2012, and I was startled how few I could come up with:

  • having a career that’s not my calling;
  • being thwarted at our first attempt at the Tough Mudder;
  • suffering from depression;
  • taking two big risks that didn’t end the way I wanted them to; and as a result,
  • still being single.

And, with the exception of the Mudder (which we got to do later), those are Big Things. I’m not going to say they’re not, or that they didn’t suck real, real, real bad. But you know what? There are a lot worse problems than not having your career dreams fulfilled, and my depression is probably a lifetime affliction that I’ll just have to manage, and I learned a lot about myself in the face of failure/rejection.

Moreover, I’m not really single right now, am I? It seems I have a Dutch boyfriend.

You bout 2 catch a beat down Minerva

A couple of Greek myth comics for you.  First, the story of the ill-fated relationship, such as it was, of Apollo and Daphne (click image for bigger):

You may be having difficulty following which character is which, so…

Apollo: Im Apollo
Cupid: I shoot you, you Die

 Apollo: Ill kill you with my Hands

Cupid: Ya  (shoots Apollo with arrow of love)
Apollo: No 

Apollo: Im in Love
Daphne: ew No 

Apollo: Yes
Daphne: No

Apollo: crying
Daphne: go Away

Apollo: man
Daphne: Bye 

A couple notes: (1) Daphne, your hair look tight, girl. (2) “Im in Love” … “ew no” — fantastic!

Now that arrogant wench, Arachne!

Great speech bubbles? Or greatest speech bubbles?

(To brush up on your mythology, you may want to read PegusesAthena’s Birth, and Hermes too.)