Retrobruxist Friday 12/14/12

Today, my problems seem so small compared to those of the parents of 20 kindergarteners in Newtown, Connecticut. I thought about suspending Retrobruxist Friday for the day, but in case you need a distraction (it’s a coping skill — for real, I learned it in group therapy) from your grief/confusion/anger/what-have-you, I offer you a few of my silly blog posts.

Three years have passed, and I’m dealing with the same shallow and/or generic messages from online dating prospects. Look, here’s one from today:

I bet you ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS you didn't enjoy reading my profile because, in order to enjoy reading it, you'd have had to read it.
I bet you ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS you didn’t enjoy reading my profile because, in order to enjoy reading it, you’d have had to read it.

I wrote a story in five episodes two years ago. It spawned the Call Me Crazy category on the blog because, in it, I got kinda crazy about being crazy.

A year ago, I had writer’s block. History repeats itself — drought this week. Maybe the words will come rushing out with my menses. (Hark, the sound of people deleting Avid Bruxist from their RSS feeds!)