1. My dogs.

2. My foster dog.

3.Other peoples’ dogs.
4. Neti pot. (I know I’m going to die from brain amoebae, but in the meantime, it’s really satisfying to go from not breathing to breathing with just a little bit of salt water.)
5. Pictures of dogs.
6. Roomba.

7. When I drop by my sister’s house and one of the kids goes, “Nunu, could you stay for supper? Pleeeeeeaase?” like I’d be doing them a big favor.
8. Pictures of puppies.
9. iPhone.

10. Hoodie-and-flip-flop weather.
11. A well-executed ally-oop.
12. A perfectly sharp #2 Ticonderoga.

13. The fact that my brother married the woman I chose for him.
14. My deck.
15. The picnic table my brother built me for my birthday a couple years ago. On my deck.

(I hope that stray puppy found a fur-ever home.)
16. The This American Life podcast.
17. Sunday brunch buffet at Geer Street Garden.
18. My sister’s cooking.
What about you?
3, 5, 8, 17,
Anything my nieces and nephews say
A cold beer on a summer afternoon
My iPad
Super Soft tshirts
French fries
Amy E. Scott is mos def on my list!
The blogs of Paul Po and Amy Scott.
Watching three totally satisfying grown children and two fabulous children-by-marriage making the world a better place to be
Anything those grandbabies do or say
A good voice lesson
Singing in a concert under a demanding and perfectionistic director
Watching the sun peep through the fog at Cuttyhunk
Watching the sun shining on the moongate in the morning, lighting up the bamboo grove and the euonymymus
Digging furiously in the garden all day
Seeing the fruits of digging furiously in the garden all day unfolding throughout the spring-summer-fall
Seeing a student “get it”
Re-reading all of the Dorothy Sayers novels
Watching Pride and Prejudice A&E version for the 100th time….
Hmmmmm…better get to doing my job instead of sitting here smiling and boring the heck out of all the young folks who read this wonderful blog
Sorry, that’s euonymus, not euonymymus
I was just about to correct you on that:)
Re #7: Believe me, you’re doing *all* of us a big favor when you hang out with us during the daily witching hour(s). I just don’t beg as loudly as the kids.
#12. EVER.
You have a Roomba?!
Geer St. has a brunch buffet?!
My list includes:
going on walks with you and your pups,
typing on a decent freaking computer keyboard (instead of this sticky-keyed, international numbered reject that ended up in a Central American Internet cafe),
reading the NYTimes online,
sitting on the porch drinking limeade I made myself,
finishing a great novel,
enjoying a fresh pineapple, coconut and lime smoothie in a Central American colonial city after riding a chicken bus for 12 hours.
reading your blog (i am sooooooooo far behind. bruce is out playing soccer and i am catching up.)
singing to a screaming baby and watching the calm wash over him (or her)
doors and windows open no a/c pre-humidity weather
noticing the stars on a clear night in a particularly dark spot
the precious and rare moment when all the laundry is clean, folded and put away (which is the opposite of this moment.)
posting cute pictures of my babies on facebook and then reading other peoples’ comments. (i don’t know why this is so satisfying to me, but it is!)
being a part of your family.
i am so lucky.