Things I Find Highly Satisfying

1. My dogs.


2. My foster dog.


3.Other peoples’ dogs.

4. Neti pot. (I know I’m going to die from brain amoebae, but in the meantime, it’s really satisfying to go from not breathing to breathing with just a little bit of salt water.)

5. Pictures of dogs.

6. Roomba.

Magic cleaning robot.

7. When I drop by my sister’s house and one of the kids goes, “Nunu, could you stay for supper? Pleeeeeeaase?” like I’d be doing them a big favor.

8. Pictures of puppies.

9. iPhone.


Magic communication robot.

10. Hoodie-and-flip-flop weather.

11. A well-executed ally-oop.

12. A perfectly sharp #2 Ticonderoga.

Best writing implement ever.

13. The fact that my brother married the woman I chose for him.

14. My deck.

15. The picnic table my brother built me for my birthday a couple years ago. On my deck.

Aw. This fits #15 AND #8.

(I hope that stray puppy found a fur-ever home.)

16. The This American Life podcast.

17. Sunday brunch buffet at Geer Street Garden.

18. My sister’s cooking.

What about you?