Gone Through Purbity

A few kids turned in their “Looking Back, Looking Forward” papers late.

Matthew: wow! 6th grade I use to think sixth graders were sooo biganstrong.when I Pass someone that’s about five they say gaint giant!! And new that Ima 6th garderI reallyize how small we are or to the big kids but there are benefits I got new friends and very nice teachers unless if there’s a substitute then well…I lose it and usually argue with them. And that effected my grade sometime

Jeremy: When I came 6th grade I was scared. I didn’t know what to be aware of. I thought there where going to be bullies and fights and nothing nice. I thought the teachers were going to yell, I thought it was going to be a living hell. It was the opposite though, I was surprised I couldn’t belive what I was seeing in my two eyes. I got friends the past and now anew. Some had gone through purbity too. […] When I get to 7th grade I won’t be the youngest any more. To me it’ll be like taking another step in humanity.