I Think I’m Onto Something

About four months ago, I’m not sure why, I went off coffee and onto tea. I had weaned myself off caffeinated coffee anyway, and I don’t know, I guess I just thought tea would be healthier. Anti-oxidants and whatnot.

I was also trying to implement some paleo stuff into my diet, and though coffee and tea are equally paleo (or non-), coconut milk in coffee is NOT GOOD, while in tea it’s semi-palatable.

Anyway, I tried decaffeinated English Breakfast, and Earl Grey, and Chai, and various ginger teas—burny! Burny in my throat! (My friend, Evers, when I told her that, asked, “Meredith Baxter Burny?”)

Then for no particular reason this weekend, I bought some half-and-half and brewed a pot of coffee.

You know what’s better than tea with coconut milk?

Coffee. With half-and-half.

12 thoughts on “I Think I’m Onto Something”

  1. I just switched from coffee/sugar to coffee/half and half recently. And yeah, it’s pretty much great.

    Early Grey is not without charm, though. But I don’t want to be charmed every morning.

  2. Burny, eh? Temperature burny or taste bruny? (Or little bruny foo foo?)

    If its taste then it may be because burning your tea. herrderp

    As an avid tea drinker (I spent a long time googling for a fancy word for tea drinker so I could make a play on avid bruxist) the most important thing I’ve discovered is that steaping time and temp are super big time important.

    Steep it the exact amount of time thats recommended and if it recommends 200 degrees let the wate cool 30 seconds or so before you put the tea in. If it calls for 180 degrees give it a full minute. If you don’t know whats recommended then follow this simple rule ‘google before you brewgle’.

    With black teas it makes a huge difference, greens and herbals, less so.

  3. when you’re ready to take it to the next level, get yourself some full on cream. prepare to be blown away.

    also, think of how much more fun the word play is with “full on cream” over “half and half”.

    you’re welcome.

  4. I’ve been doing this same thing! A couple months ago I gave up caffeine, coffee, all soda’s, fake sweeteners, and switched to coconut milk (which I found is a piss poor substitute!! NASTY. ). The only thing I’ve enjoyed during my abstinence from all of those things is caffeine free unsweetened iced tea!

  5. Right on! A helluva lot better that Mickey D’s 32 oz iced tea with 17 (!) teaspoons of sugar. Yes, coffee with 1/2&1/2 (just ask Erik). Eat your veggies, too. See how moral and judgmental we have become.

  6. I still pretty much adore coconut milk/cream. Only now that I’m mostly off the java, the jar of it I keep in the fridge is mostly for topping fruit or nabbing spoonfuls of throughout the day. Holy gods. If you still have some around, try it that way. You’ll thank me.

    Re: Jon’s long-ass comment: CROSSFIT TEA PARTY!!! I’ll bring the paleo scones.

    Jon: You know that’s no excuse; we just have to make a word up. Sinensiphile? Camellipotist? Or just tea-tippler.

  7. This is all too complicated. DIET COKE is the solution to all beverage problems. And I’m pretty sure it’s Paleo :)

  8. Welcome back to the dark side. I tried to give up coffee once and my body revolted so violently I thought I’d never recover. I’ve now given up ever trying to give up coffee again. Coffee is as much a part of my life as breathing. I have, however, changed the way I dress my coffee. No more sugar or milk. I actually like coconut milk in my coffee, or if you want to flavor it up (it has a bit of sugar) there’s a coconut milk creamer you can get, French Vanilla. Yum. I have also been known to dress it with a bit of half and half, also delicious.

    Anyway, I feel like I’ve given up so many other things, I’m not going to torture myself and give up coffee too. Plus, I have a bit of a caffeine habit. I should work on that.

  9. p.s. i actually do like tea too, so don’t think any of that was to bash tea. i would just say that tea is coffee’s less attractive older sister

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