“What’s That?” You Ask

Why, that would be

braised cube steak with orange zest and sauteed onions, and a side of sauteed brussel sprouts.

That I cooked. As my 21-month-old niece would say, deeYISHus!

Now, do those two foods go together in the gastronomic sense?

I know not. I care not.

And did this dinner give me the toots?

Yes. Yes, it did.

But whatever, y’all. I’m cooking! Turns out, all you have to do is get a recipe and do the things in the recipe. That’s it. (Were it that simple with finding a boyfriend!)

Another thing I’m learning: you folks who cook things, you wipe down your stoves every day, don’t you? Every day. That part sucks.

5 thoughts on ““What’s That?” You Ask”

  1. I wipe the stove and do all the cleaning while I’m cooking. Unlike my “better half” when she’s done cooking, it looks like someone had a food fight in the kitchen and then an atomic bomb went off.

  2. I can control very little of the chaos that is my life… but damn it, I can keep the stove shiny! Yes I can! Every day. Sometimes several TIMES a day. Keep up the good work Amy. You are on your way to being a cooking goddess.

  3. I’m with Joe–just wipe up as you go along and you have a sparking stove AND a yummy dinner. BTW, I just found a recipe for gluten-free brownies and thought “I’ll send it to Amy!” Then I read it: garbanzo bean flour, flax seed flour, several other unlikely sounding kinds of flour. Sounds totally gross. How about a nice recipe for flourless chocolate cake?

  4. yay amy! and yes, you not only wipe down the stove, you wipe the counters and all and any work surfaces. and you do the dishes as you go along. that makes it easier.

    unless you are dr. d . . .

  5. Ohh-ohh_ i just cooked brussel sprouts for the first time, too! Marinate them in Amy’s vinagrette over night and then sautee- dee-lish-ous!

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