
What is it, 47 million people in this country that don’t have health insurance? That sucks.

You know what else sucks? Being one of the ones that does and still getting screwed by the health “care” system.

I have a friend who doesn’t quite blow her knee out, but messes it up pretty good training for a marathon. At the orthopedist, the insurance billing lady gasps, “Your health insurance plan makes you pay 40% of all specialist charges?!” You know when the billing person, who sees every conceivable plan, is aghast, your health plan is crap.

So, anyway, at the orthopedist, she bends over, if you know what I mean.

At the physical therapist, totally rogered.

Then she goes home and waits on hold for AN HOUR AND A HALF with BlueCross/BlueShield, and they tell her, just kidding, you pay 40% after you’ve met your FIVE-THOUSAND-DOLLAR deductible. Up until then, you pay 100%. That’s 700 bucks to the ortho, and 500 to the PT. Squeal, pig.

But the good news, they tell her, is, “preventive care” is covered in full, so that colonoscopy her doctor keeps saying she needs because her dad got colon cancer at 48, the one she’s been wanting to put off: gratis.

How many ways can my friend take it up the ass from the health care industry?

Lots, apparently.

4 thoughts on “Squeal”

  1. And that’s the way it is.

    As for MY scammer company (new with this new job), half of the providers in town will not even sign up with them because they are so cheap and poorly run. Doesn’t matter that the providers have taken care of me for 30 years. Now the “company” has started a national ad campaign describing how wonderfully personal they are. Oh, please, spare me the violin music! Remember, this is America and it is all about nothing more than money. Squealing all the way to the bank.

  2. Oink, er, word. Will someone please explain to me again why reforming the health care system would be so bad for America? Oh right, I forgot–affordable and/or universal health care would turn us all into socialists. or something.

    I understand that people don’t want big government overseeing their health care, but right now employers and big corporate BCBS oversee my family’s health care, which is just as scary to me.

  3. All I can say is don’t ever get sick or have to go the hospital. In the past 5 years either my husband or I have had a surgery or hospital stay of some sort each year. After paying monthly premiums plus doctor and hospital bills, we have payed around 14,000 dollars EACH year! My stepfather on the other hand who has no insurance and makes minimum wage just got 5 weeks of radiation and all scans done at the hospital completely waved. In his case, he’s better off not having insurance! I’m happy for him of course, because his tumor could have bankrupted them. Money messes aren’t always a matter of poor desicions. I don’t see an easy fix to health care, but it sure would be nice if middle class people like me could afford to get sick!!!! I told you not to get me started Amy :)

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