A Dog-Shaped Space

Remember my old roommate, Dan? In April 2004, he took one look at the twin bed I was about to move into the spare bedroom of his apartment and said, “Um. No. If you don’t have room in your bed for a man, you don’t have room in your life for a man. You want a man? Go get a real bed.” I understood what he was saying. Create a metaphysical space in your life for the things you want.

Here’s the thing about that puppy I found last week. (Stay with me, these two things are related.) I feel like the man I’m going to end up with will probably be a dog person and will probably have a dog. I’m trying to leave a dog-shaped space in my house in case Mr. Wonderful and his Mastiff walk in.

Now, chances are he won’t have a Mastiff, which is good because the one I know from the dog park weighs 180 pounds. But let’s say I find a chihuahua running around the neighborhood, well, he’s only going to take up 9 pounds worth of my dog-shaped space. There would totally be room for a pit bull up in there. Or a lab, or a shepherd.

Whatever, my point is, that puppy was under 20 pounds, and he wasn’t going to grow up to be a huge dog, but he wasn’t going to grow up to be small dog, and what if he took up too much of my dog-shaped metaphysical space and Mr. Wonderful and his Rottweiler couldn’t fit?

4 thoughts on “A Dog-Shaped Space”

  1. If Mr. Wonderful can afford a dog that big, he can afford to finance a home renovation that includes more space, or go in together on a big dog-friendly house. In other words, don’t overthink things. What if Mr. Wonderful will only notice you if you have three dogs? You’re one dog short!

  2. I think you are wise to leave some room for a man and his dog in your life.

    I think it’s best if a person doesn’t have more dogs than they have hands. My one dog is a handful. And I have found that walking three dogs is nearly impossible for me – especially if a squirrel shows up.

  3. I agree with Mary- but also remember, your man may LOVE dogs but not have one already (or anymore) and wish he had one (or two), and then he meets you- and one of his wishes is granted! YAY! His dreamgirl is awesome, smoking hot, so smart and funny, you get each other, AND you have two awesome dogs that he gets to cuddle with!

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