The Foster Chronicles: Tulip, Week 8

If you’re new, here’s the beginning of the Tulip Chronicles.

Day 1

The previous day’s Feisty Fido class had been taught by an ex-Navy man with blue eyes and a lot of sun damage. He had worn a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off. Smiled and smoked and cursed for the whole class. He had told us to walk in small circles, essentially herding our dogs, and make short, sharp tugs on the leash to keep the dogs focused.

Tulip and I go out in the driveway and walk in circles. Tulip does well, though she doesn’t sit on command. I have to “tell her once and then make it happen”, like the guy’s assistant had told me to do.

I put her inside and bring Redford and Violet out. Violet goes first and is a goddamn champ. She tries to sniff around at first, but once she realizes there’s a new sheriff in town, she’s all business.

Guess who’s uh asshole. Redford. That punk wants to walk me, and I’m all, ‘Nuh-uh,’ and he’s all, ‘Yeah-huh.’ And I’m all, ‘NUH-UH,’ and he’s all, ‘Awww, man.’

Day 2

We walk in circles. Tulip still won’t sit on command when we’re training. (She will when we’re inside and/or when she knows I have a treat.) I keep making it happen.

It’s been four weeks! Tulip is off restriction from her heartworm shut-down. I throw the plastic monkey with the rope tail around the yard for her. She gallops and cavorts. It’s the picture of happiness.

Day 3

We walk in circles. Still not sitting.

Tulip and I are shut up in the spare room. She’s chewing on something. I’m playing Scramble on my iPhone. She paces once across the room and squats to pee on the floor! I go, “Nonononononono,” but she’s going. I run out to get paper towels, and she slips through the door behind me. “NONONONONONONO.” I shuffle dogs faster than a Three-Card Monti dealer in Washington Square. They’re all surprised as shit, so they have no time to get into it with each other.

I put Tulip outside for a potty break. I wish I knew why, once in a blue moon, she thinks it’s kosher to piss on the floor.

I have now had Tulip longer than I had Buffy. That seems crazy.

Day 4

We walk in circles. Still not sitting. But we go around the block, and she does well.

Day 5

Tulip does a pretty spot-on Wile E. Coyote impression.
Am I right, or am I right?

Day 6

We walk in circles. I’m getting frustrated with making the sitting happen.

Violet and Redford are doing well individually, so I we loop around the block together. It’s so much less frustrating that our usual walks, where my shoulders get regularly dislocated! I yike it!

Day 7

Tulip wakes me up whining. I think she’s just bored in the kennel, but when I take her out, she won’t eat her breakfast. Then the backwards gulp starts. I toss Redford and Violet into my room and flap Tulip to the kitchen door. She’s still uh-ggging, and it looks like she’s going to upchuck right there on the deck. I run outside and shoo her into the yard where she barfs. Then I slink back inside.

If Alfred happened to be looking out his window at 7:36am, then he got a hellified action shot of me in my underpants and camisole.

The Foster Chronicles: Tulip, Week 9

The Foster Chronicles: Tulip, Week 7

Day 1

When I got Redford and Violet, I taught them to wait for their food. They must sit and wait until I say, “OK,” before they start to eat. I can walk ten feet away and they’ll just sit there waiting for me to give them the signal. And drool.

I practice with Tulip. I tell her to sit and start to put the food on the floor. She lunges at it.

I pick it up, tell her to sit, and bend down again. She hurls herself at it again.

Last time, same story, but as she’s bolting toward the bowl, I say, “OK,” so at least she’s hearing the signal.

Day 2

We try the food thing again. She works herself into a frenzy. I manage a quick “OK” as she catapults herself onto her breakfast.

Day 3

What am I doing wrong here? She will not wait for her food.

Nelly texts me to say her circumstances have changed and it doesn’t look like she’ll be able to adopt Tulip. :(

Day 4

I decide to create a website to help Tulip find a fur-ever home. I get as far as setting up a username.

Day 5

She waits a half second for her food!

Day 6

She does not wait a half second for her food.

I spend about eight hours making this tumblr blog. (Will you please share it on your Facebook and/or Twitter? And encourage your friends and/or followers to do the same?)

We go for a walk in the rain. Back at the house, I leave Tulip sitting on the deck step tied to the railing, as usual, so I can unleash Redford and Violet. This time, it takes a little longer than usual what with the drying off. When I go back out to get Tulip, I find she has flung herself over the railing onto the deck.

Day 7

Tulip’s out; Redford and Violet in. Redford starts agitating—grumbling and sprinting back and forth between the living room window and the kitchen door. I look out the door. Tulip is across the street sniffing around. Guess I can’t leave her on the deck by herself anymore.

I call her. She looks up but doesn’t come. I head back into the house to grab a treat and, by the time I reach the door, she’s sprinting back.

She’s really cute when she runs.

Tulip and I attend the first session of her Feisty Fido class. We both learn a lot. I think this is going to be good for us.

She waits a full one-Mississippi for her food. Woot!

The Foster Chronicles: Tulip, Week 8

Things I Find Highly Satisfying

1. My dogs.


2. My foster dog.


3.Other peoples’ dogs.

4. Neti pot. (I know I’m going to die from brain amoebae, but in the meantime, it’s really satisfying to go from not breathing to breathing with just a little bit of salt water.)

5. Pictures of dogs.

6. Roomba.

Magic cleaning robot.

7. When I drop by my sister’s house and one of the kids goes, “Nunu, could you stay for supper? Pleeeeeeaase?” like I’d be doing them a big favor.

8. Pictures of puppies.

9. iPhone.


Magic communication robot.

10. Hoodie-and-flip-flop weather.

11. A well-executed ally-oop.

12. A perfectly sharp #2 Ticonderoga.

Best writing implement ever.

13. The fact that my brother married the woman I chose for him.

14. My deck.

15. The picnic table my brother built me for my birthday a couple years ago. On my deck.

Aw. This fits #15 AND #8.

(I hope that stray puppy found a fur-ever home.)

16. The This American Life podcast.

17. Sunday brunch buffet at Geer Street Garden.

18. My sister’s cooking.

What about you?

The Foster Chronicles: Tulip, Week 6, Days 4-7

Day 4

My mom visits and gives her foster granddog a present: a soft blanky (“because she’s so snuggly”) with a picture of a doggy and a kitty on it. The doggy on the blanket is not a pit bull. We discuss the fact that they probably don’t make blankets with pit bulls on them. A quick google search proves us so very wrong.

You can even get a pit bull slanket (90% fleece, 10% treacle).

My eyes!

Day 5

I awake at 5:20 to the familiar backwards-gulp sound (uh-ggg, uh-ggg, uh-ggg) of a dog fixin’ to thow up. I jump out of bed and flip on lights. Redford’s fine; Violet’s fine. Tulip has yorked a big pile of grassy mess onto her new blanky. I let her outside for a while, clean up the mess, and open the window to air out the room. Then I settle down on the couch, hoping to go back to sleep for half an hour. Tulip curls up in the crook of my knees and shnores. I lie there listening to the birds shriek at each other until my alarm goes off.

When I go out in the evening, Tulip goes in her crate with no padding over the plastic tray because it’s in the wash from the barfing. While I’m gone, she eats the damn crate tray.

It is et.

Later, I will be walking through the kitchen barefoot in the dark and kick that jagged part, slicing open the ball of my left foot.

Day 6

Tulip is outside. When I go out to check on her, this is hanging out of her mouth.

In the previous few days, I have wrestled this

and this

from Redford and Violet.

I get emotional like always. And then I go to the farmers’ market and buy chicken. I feel ridiculous.

Day 7

I buy Tulip a new pink tennis ball to play with. Within five minutes,

it is et.

The Foster Chronicles: Tulip, Week 7