Three years ago, my students did a good job of summing up what would happen if you did/did not show your friends you care. Listen, I want you guys to be filled with hope, backed up in fights, and invited to birthday parties four months in advance, so make sure you read that post.
About this time, two years ago, I posted my first vlogs! I was trying to do food reviews at the time. I was not good at it.
A year ago, I made a list of things I find highly satisfying. Here are a few more:
1. Writing “Rx” in my workout notebook. (In the year 2011, I did five WODs Rx. So far, in 2013, I’ve done five Rx each month. Raaaaaaaaaawr!)
2. Listening to a well-crafted story at the Monti.
3. Seeing all my breakfasts and lunches for the week fixed n’ stacked in the fridge on Sunday afternoon.
4. Staying out too late on a Saturday night with my friends.
5. Shit my dad says. (Dad, a definitively not rich man, recently: “You need any money? You got any dogs that need operating on or anything?”)
You have things to add to your list?
Happy Retrobruxist Friday, y’all.
Shit! Cole just woke up because I laughed out loud at the dad comment!