Wanna know how cool I am? Friday night, I stayed out until MIDNIGHT. That’s right, the MIDDLE of the NIGHT. And I’m 34!
Well, by Saturday night, I was so full of myself that I was PARTYING in RALEIGH until 3:00AM. OK, “partying” might be too strong a word…more like standing around at a bar eating cheese fries and watching the freaks go by…but I got home at 3:00am! Then my phone rang…?
My sister: Hi.
Me: HI!
My sister: Why do you sound so awake?
Me: Because I am awake.
My sister: Were you already awake, or did you just wake up really fast?
Me (proudly): I’m STILL awake because I just got home!
My sister: Well, can you stay awake a little longer?
Me: Sure. Why?
My sister: Because my water just broke.