Adding Insult to Injury

I’m 34 years old.  My crows feet are getting a little more pronounced.   I have a profound lack of energy most days, particularly between 1:30 and 6:30pm.  My bones crack, my jaw clicks, and after rising from a squatting position, I hobble through my first steps.  If nobody’s looking, I’ll get on all-fours to go up stairs.  Every so often a stalk of a gray hair appears overnight, four inches long and sticking bolt upright from my scalp, at which point I yank it savagely from its cozy foundation.

So first off, I feel it’s profoundly unjust that I still get zits in the quantity that I do.  But let’s pretend for a moment that it’s fair that wrinkles and blemishes live concurrently on the same face.  Let’s grant the premise.  Well, if that’s the case, a pimple should be EITHER enormous OR flaming red OR painful, but not all three.  NOT.  ALL.  THREE.

One thought on “Adding Insult to Injury”

  1. this is margo n dr d’s comuter again. i am 52. partially lame, going grey, pronounced side of mouth and forehead wrinkles as well as crows feet. and the pimples still happen. life is truly not fair when it comes to this.

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