I’ll Be Dancin’

There’s this guy at CrossFit who does all the Workouts-of-the-Day Rx. (If you do the WOD as prescribed, you get a little ‘Rx’ next to your name on the board. For reference, I’ve gotten an Rx, well, lemme see…NEVER. Not even fucking close.)

He’s medium height, muscly, rrrrrrripped but not bulky, clearly about 2% body fat. Wiry, I guess you’d say. Sinewy maybe. If he doesn’t climb rock faces on his day off, I’m a monkey’s uncle.

He not only does the WODs Rx, sometimes he’ll do them twice in a row. Or he’ll finish and go out for a run. (I usually do a half-assed downward facing dog and then hobble to my car.)

Anyway, we’re doing the WOD the other day. A song comes on I don’t recognize, but he does. “Lady Gaga,” he says, in the middle of a set of pull-ups.

He proceeds to sing, “Stop callin’, stop callin’, I don’t wanna think anymore! I left my head and my heart on the dance floor!”

And then he runs to the wall, kicks his legs up, and does 15 handstand push-ups.

These people crack me up.

2 thoughts on “I’ll Be Dancin’”

  1. OMFG, that’s me you’re talking about! You failed to mention middle-aged, bald, and gay. Haha! For the record, I am no ripped. You finally saw me with my shirt off. There’s your proof.

  2. VD Paul! It’s you! Whatever, you are totally ripped. And I think people probably intuited you were gay when you started singing Lady Gaga.

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