I Have a Box of Stuff

My students* are hilarious and inspiring, and sometimes heartbreaking. As usual, I asked them to write get-to-know-you letters. Here are my favorite excerpts [comments in brackets are mine]:

the reason I like dancing is because you can just have fun be calm and relax, But in a swaying way

I want to be a 2nd grade teacher because I want babies but I want the kids to know what they are doing. It has to be a school that give me the money. If my teacher carreer doesn’t work out then I want to be a singer like Beyonce. [Wait, there are schools that will give me the money?!]

My name is Pablo, I knew how to create stuff in my mind [But he forgot.]

My baby sister is like me because she has eczema.

I love to spend time with my family and friends and my Pet’s (Genuine pigs) Thunder, Thunder Jr and lightning. [GENUINE PIGS.]

[At the end of her letter] Well that is me so DEAL WITH IT! (LOL just kidding)

After school I liked to Play football with my friend. I was the theird strongest player in the game. We a Person tries to takle me I keep walking intel I get to the end of the feild. [Best part is this was a girl.]

My hopes and dreams are to be a Pro football player. I also want to play defense of end.

In my dreams Im rich I have all the money In the world but when I try to spend it turn into meat. [Uh. I’m guessing this is less ‘hopes’ and more ‘dreams’. ]

I have only 5 boys in my family, not including me. Let me tell you a secret. Boys couldn’t survive without girls!

[This student disagrees with the previous one.] Other things I did this summer are that I played basketball and just enjoyed myself. Just laying back in the sun nothing else to do. Really when you live with girls is time to get away. You always get hit. You always get scratched.

My dad is 40. My mom says she is 29.

I also have antique baseball cards from maybe the 70’s or 90’s.

My family is a little odd, espicially my extended family. One of my relatives is a drug dealer. My brother is also crazy. My mom says we don’t need a dog because we have [my brother]. My dad grew up in a disfuntional family. He ended up fine, though.

I worry a lot so I go to a worry doctor. [:(]

Hello my name is Marius Carson and I have terrible hand writing. [His letter was typed.]

I have a box of stuff.

The morning routin I have is to think to myself how I think my day will go, and always smile to a mirror so I can see what a wonderful kid I am. [His morning routine is better than mine.]

I was in florida for one week. It was amazing how many people can fit in one car.

Dear Ms. Scott you will like me because I am ready for anything.

Well I’m a kid thats nice but at home Im not I don’t listen to my parents

My name is Jonathan Wu, and I don’t think I have anything else to say in the first sentence, which should tell you something. [Whoa. Deep.]

When im dead I want people to say they want to be like me. [Me too, buddy. Me too.]

*Names changed, as always.

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