This Is Not a Real Post

I’m rull tired. I’m just starting to get almost enough sleep after seven weeks of being a petulant child about bedtime.

And I hosted the Monti StorySLAM again on Tuesday. By all accounts, it went well. I feel like it went well. I think it went well. I was less nervous this time than for the last couple. (And it’s always such a rush that I think I’ll never sleep again, until exactly 45 minutes after, when my brain ceases to function entirely and I PTFO.) But it takes a lot of work and preparation and practice.

Anyway, that’s why I haven’t posted this week. But you can read the stories I told that night here on the blog, if you’re interested:

Yo Soy El Machete

What’s the Opposite of a Christmas Miracle?

You & the Night-Swimming

Climb Every Mountain, Ford Every Stream

Trigger Happy


The Business

I somehow molded them all to fit the theme of the night (Nature).

I’ll get back to posting as soon as my energy level spikes and inspiration strikes, but in the meantime,

notice anything odd about this picture?


Look closer.
