8 thoughts on “I’ll Just Have Other People Do the Drawings–Duh!”

  1. Hi Amy. We haven’t met. I don’t think. But our names appear rather close to each other on the PR board over at that testosterone filled gym we both frequent. Well, that i was frequenting until the past week and half in which I have found *really good* reasons not to frequent, but will start next week, frequenting again. I’m the other Amy. I just started crossfit in Nov, and for the most part I hate it, except for when I’m loving it. It’s the most bizarre relationship I’ve ever encountered.

    Anyway, I’m just catching up on your blog since the holidays done went and got in the way. I’ve been lurking for a month or so; stumbled upon your site by clicking feverishly among other crossfiters links trying to find someone else that felt similarly about this whole crossfit thing as i do. Thank god you’re here. Our experiences aren’t exactly the same (at least not from what I’ve read on here) but similar enough that I no longer feel alone!

    And there’s really spooky connections beyond crossfit too. Like, I too grew up in the mountains of NC, surrounded by poverty and dirty dishes and lemon scented pledge, also near boone. And my best friend back then, her name was (well, still is, actually!) Tamara. We were not in a band together though. Not even remotely musical. But… well, my name’s Amy. So… there. Hi! :) thought it was time I introduced myself.

    Oh, and also, I think we might live in the same neighborhood here in Durham. Just from context clues. I might be wrong.

    Okay… I’ll stop being crazy stalker lady. Really. I’m not trying to stalk you. Just thought I’d give you some {albeit crazy} insight into one of your new readers. Keep posting! I smile every time I stop by here, and I’ll never turn down a reason to smile! So I’ll be back! And if I think of any thing brilliant that will help you achieve that goal of full time blogger (with a side of kicking ass) I’ll be sure to post here.

    But for now, I go back to lurking (and smiling) in a totally non-stalker kind of way! promise.


  2. Omigosh, hi, Other Amy! Thanks for coming! I’m considering now that fact that we might just be the same person. I mean, it’s possible.

    Hey, I’m curious, where did you find a link to my blog?

  3. I can’t recall the exact train I rode in on, but I’m pretty sure there was a link from Ashley’s blog, to Melinda’s blog (whom I also haven’t met, but know her well through written words), and then I landed here while clicking around amongst her commenters… does that sound plausible? About as plausible as you and I being one person in 2 bodies?

  4. That makes total sense, Other Amy. In fact, as I was doing clean & jerks today, I figured out that that’s probably how it happened. I am so smart, S-M-R-T.

  5. yay for lifting heavy things over yer head AND being smrt at the same time! that’s something that must come with practice. I usually can’t even correctly add up my weight at the gym. i won’t be back at it til Friday – returning from a 14 day hiatus. Gonna go ahead and load up on traumeel and pre-arnica my entire body in preparation for the major soreness that will be my body on Saturday. can’t. wait.

  6. I must meet Amy #2 immediately. And then we must all congregate and discuss our similarities. And then it will be awkward.

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